
This is exactly how I feel about the Tracker. It looks so fun, and it would be interesting to have another master sequencer and another thing with nice clicky clacky buttons. But ultimately it is unnecessary – the OT works just fine in that role, and having to learn how it works both technically and in my desktop configuration sounds like a lot of time I could otherwise spend practicing sound design, or just generally learning more deeply the things I already have. The pursuit of which has a very high success rate when it comes to triggering ah-ha moments.

Minimizing is good (says a maximalist), efficiency is maybe better. Depth is the most difficult but most rewarding, I’m learning.


Well the CV inputs have a CC now so u cud also use those to send CC to the DN too!

IE sequence the Mini from DN then have another midi going from Mini to DN which u can use to send the CV

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I keep telling myself this while 99% of the time I’m just sitting in my studio. I guess that helps me keeping the eurorack stuff from getting out of hands.


Totaly agree here, the hard part I think is to resist to very good second hand deals on vintage or rare stuff, especialy as those don’t happen everyday.

A good exemple this week, I’ve found a very decent priced Calcrec dual stereo compressor and been trying to resist for a few days, but in the end I know if I need money I can sell it back to the same price easily hahaha.


Literally pulled the trigger today. I used to have a JP8080 and that filter was a stepper. Fkn loved that synth. All those early VA synths suffered from it. I’m in my classic setup of mpc, external filter and fx, drum machine, a couple analogs and now this old dirty bastard. Almost opted for the minilogue xd but I have the nts and the user osc and fx are what I find most appealling.

Typhon (payed) and Osmose.
Got to get rid of the few modules left.
And build a case for live sessions :slight_smile:

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Yo dawg, I heard you like sequencing, so we sequenced a sequencer to sequence your sequencer.



I feel that the MPC Live did for me what the Force did for @Leo-iSL. It’s everything I want. It’s a drum machine, a sampler, a couple of synths, a bunch of effects and almost a DAW in a box and it’s portable. If push came to shove I wouldn’t need anything else than that. Maybe a couple of good plugins on my computer.

I rarely get gas for new gear anymore. Everything’s been seen already. I occasionally feel a sudden need/want to get a piece of 90s second hand gear when I see something that I want - a Roland V-Synth, a Yamaha RS-7000 or some other classic I have feelings for. Usually that passes when somebody else buys the gear and I can stop obsessing. Out of sight, out of mind.

Through the years I’ve gone through some hard patches financially because I stupidly chose to buy a piece of gear instead of paying my rent etc. but now I’m older and wiser.

On tuesday I bought the MicroSampler back as I got it for a really good price (150€). The money was earmarked for something else so I needed to make it back quick. On wednesday morning I went downstairs and took some photos of the scuba diving suit I had found from the dumpster earlier this year and put it on sale for 150€. It sold in a minute and I got the MicroSampler money back.

I basically dumpster dived a MicroSampler for myself. Never underestimate dumpsters and diving into them. I once got a Korg Mono/Poly from a dumpster for free.


I’ve come to realize and accept my strengths and weaknesses - and minimize what does not work for me.

Great thread🙂


Ok, now I need an Osmose. I did not know about this product. Thank you. This is an Anti Anti-Gas.


Here is the ultimate cure for GAS*


Start watching Youtube demo videos or review videos for gear you already own. It sounds strange but sometimes the workflow in the video or the sounds that are achieved help rekindle or reignite your enthusiasm for your own gear and you end up wanting to play with the toys you have.


I recently tried MPC beats software, it is a free download, very similar to current line of MPC hardware, in about 10 minutes I decided it wasn’t at all for me, it saved me the hassle of buying a MPC only to discover that they would not suit me either.

I think for me interface/features ratio is most important in determining if something is going to be suitable, I am realistic in acknowledging that any modern fairly complex system be it hardware or software is going to take an investment in time, and I also understand that people have different preferences in this area, for example I don’t find the Octatrack or MC-707 to be particularly steep learning curves, yet others do, I find most software to have a steep learning curve where others don’t. So really the only way is to try stuff yourself and give it a bit of time to learn, which can be a bit of a PITA in reality.


… to proof to yourself that the gear doesn’t sound and handles as bad as the video has shown, because most of the reviewers have either no taste or haven’t invested nearly enough time to learn the gear (there are exceptions though) … :rofl:


GAS is always present. I’m just too curious about a lot of gear. Without any doubt, there is a lot of awesome stuff out in the wild :upside_down_face:

I repeat myself, but I just stick to the 1 in at least 1 out rule. Sometimes hard but works for me. Still “only” with 5 items I just swapped a lot of boxes and synths…
Bought the tr06 this week, sold the TR8s and AS1. Can enjoy my new drummachine with good conscience :slight_smile:
I made most of my music in the last few weeks with either only MC101, only Garageband, only Koala Sampler. Three fantastic elektrons are sleeping calmly


I like this method. I sometimes re-watch Max Marco’s video about why not to buy an OT. Oddly makes me want to play my OT more.


I ran into this issue when I first got into Elektron boxes. I was trying to sequence everything with everything else and back again before figuring out how redundant all of it was.

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my anti gas is being broke. cant have gas for gear if you’re broke lmao

all jokes aside, lookin at all the new cool gear coming out is wonderful but personally for me, I know that its just lust and nothing more than that cause if when you do get new gear, there’s new work flows, ideas, Manuels, cords, cables, table space and all sorts of etc stuff that and aint no body got time for that, ya know?

so to cure the gas, once again, being broke af and I having hellllla bad ADD, I just use my trusty sp404a and a h9 harmonizer and then I make friends with the cool people who have the new gear and then sample their equipment whenever I go hangout and mess with the gear. then edit and arrange it all on garage band cause thats easiest.

its a win-win, no more gas, no more Manuels and I still have hours of cool new sounds

:sunglasses: :sunglasses:


My most powerful anti gas weapon is watching youtube videos of gear I already own, usually the stuff that convinced me to buy it. I’ll always have some kind of “huh I’ve never actually tried that on that synth…hmm” moment that gets me inspired to use that old thing again.

Kind of inverting the whole youtube marketing thing, getting it to trick me into thinking the gear I already have is some hot new thing that I need to have :smiley:


I did it the other way around - sold gear to pay rent. I may be older and wiser, but I would have preferred to be young and stupid, specifically when it came to selling the DSI Evolver and MnM :smiley:

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I also get the Anti-GAS-Reversal. When a product is announced, and I think it’s just alright, probably not what I need, or just for me in general. But then over time, and unbeknownst to me, the GAS slowly builds and expands in the subconscious, until It hits me out of nowhere. This is it, this is what I need and have always needed. This is the answer. And then one day, I’m minding my own business, having too many beers, and wake up the next morning to find a shipment confirmation email.

And this is the story of how I met your mother.