Anti-Ambient music_top-down design

Does this count?

Double DFAMs being drunk and stuff with some sweet dark reverb and comb filter from OT

If not unclear my bad. Felt pretty random haha



Hey, that was good!

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I was supposed to see a movie with Tom on Sunday. It was the one with Adam Sandler and Oneohtrix Point Never. When showtime came I wasn’t at the theater, and I have apologized to Tom and I don’t think it will cause any lasting damage to our relationship. Joey was also at the movie so Tom wasn’t alone, but I haven’t met Joey so I’m unsure how he stacks up as a movie-mate.

Moving on…

Today’s piece is a continuation from what we heard earlier, like always*. Several elements have resisted being contained to one mere instance.

This was a collaboration between a talented multimedia artist, Chauncey Smooches, and myself.

The result, I believe, exemplifies Anti-Ambient in its most sincere form.

*most of the time


This was really exciting! Those drums refuse to sit down, I love the confident but hesitant drones. It’s rapidly moving forward but not seemingly getting far. Really good track!

It means a lot to me that we are facing the great unknown of Anti-Ambience together. Thank you for joining my out here in the unexplored thick of Tom’s large vocabulary and aggressive kick drums.

Great submission! This is a really hard recording to ignore. I think the unpredictable nature of it can be really exhausting for a listener, it may go hand in hand with the “difficult listening” mentioned earlier in this topic

This man has such endurance. I can’t imagine how I would feel after preforming that song. exhausted I bet! Good listen, thanks.

Although Throbbing Gristle very clearly pumps out jams, I’m not sure they live up to the expectation of Anti-Ambiance that @selfup and I have been tirelessly working toward.


I hear you. Keep fighting the good fight Eak. :fist:


A really good summary! Something exciting about jamming to this kind of stuff.

It’s like a perpetual precipice!

And yes, this world is scary but rewarding

…i hear u…

anti ambient…is ringing my ears, too…

and not only because i love aliterations…this got something to it…



First time using Thru machines. What a blast! I need to sample some of this stuff now. DFAM patches are tedious :joy:

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I thought you were talking about my music :slight_smile:

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Not sure if this is Anti-Ambient but I really like it…
Stolen Birds is definitely relaxing.
Probably a bit more Anti-Ambient and I also really liked it.
Throbbing Gristle defiantly resides in the genre ‘Throbbing Gristle’.
Still wanna know who Tom is.


Weird can be beautiful! :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


This will be my next Anti-Ambient album name.


Go for it!

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I humbly submit the following octatrack/cassette jam for Tom’s approval in the anti-ambient genre. Created 6/4/19… months before anti-ambient was a t’ing.


Ambient until it’s not. Nice :upside_down_face:

You can feel it! Anti-Ambient! Let it out!

Thank you for the kind words. I’ll let Tom know you’d like to meet

I can’t wait to hear it, let’s start an Anti-Ambient label!

This is badass, gets real dirty!

A concept I think I’ve been working with these past few day: Anti-Ambient being music you can impose you own elements onto at will. I’ve been listening to everyone’s Anti-Ambient and singing along or whistling to it.
I’m not the best whistler but I do get a deep satisfaction out of whistling. It’s also a great tool for creating melodies.

Maybe Anti-Ambient music is both finished and unfinished at the same time.

What do you think?


Well mate if you can wax lyrical enough and be quasi mysterious enough to keep people entertained, and have the right kind of YouTube (or other social media ) presence, you can get people to follow just about anything.

Cant say I’m going to jump on your anti ambient wagon any time soon, buy I respect your vision. Go get em!

Fun topic.

My definition of anti-ambient would be something like that:

Chill enough on the surface, but you find yourself stuck in little sequence that won’t ever evolve while you cannot stop waiting for the next phrase. And yet, because of the constant change in tones, you won’t lose attention and enter the meditative state… it keeps itching the brain. A bit like when you are stuck in the train next to someone having a conversation on the phone, your brain tries to make up for the missing half of the dialogue.


A few years ago i read a book from Matsuru Emoto which, among other experiments with water crystals. containted a bunch of examples of different music and their effect when exposed to water forming ice crystals. “Beautiful” crystals on some classical pieces of music while, for example, death metal resulted into more like…we’ll you get the picture. Perhaps excellent anti-ambient should not even form crystals when exposed to water into ice but shatter all molecules in it’s reach.
Perhaps we humans subconsciously resonate with the struggle of nature itself in this era and love listening an producing music that resembles our environment: Anti ambient. :grinning:
Just a :thought_balloon:

My take on the “genre” using just two sample tracks on the Digitakt and a Quadraverb. It’s exactly as shit as that sounds.