Anime experts—S.O.S.!

ok so there’s this one anime clip I saw somewhere from a beat video.
(actually might of been from this forum but not 100)
—well it’s been bugging the hek out of me trying to find the movie/series.

I sort of recall bookmarking the video somewhere but my bookmarks are endless (bad habit), and i’ve been spending way too much time looking for it.

why I’ve been so intent on tracking it down is cuz metal gear/appleseed/evangelion/vexille, maybe just a couple others is my main style and the more deeper I get into anime the less I find of my style-and this clip I’m relentlessly searching seems to struck it.

i’ve tried all sorts of searches, even some forums that specialize in naming the movie you’re looking for by leaving your only clues.

description of the clip.
—from my brief memory of the clip:

there was one, maybe two girls mashing in sort of a buggy/jeep/maybe military vehicle (but also might of just been a plain car) down some huge stairs in sort of an industrial/dark setting.

EDIT: I think I remember more now, they might of been being chased and it started from the streets and the part I described was them maybe going down in a subway perhaps.
and I know I described my movie styles but this one might of not been that hardcore maybe, but ultra interested nonetheless.
that’s pretty much it.

all I can think of is Girls Last Tour (which is free w/ Prime) although I haven’t seen it cuz I’m no longer a member yet I kind of ruled it out cuz Girls Last Tour had that bloated bobble head type look (forgot the word used to describe it) to the girls and the anime I’m looking for had sort of a 90s degraded art style to it without the bobble heads.
my recollection of it is hazy but it might of been from that era or something less modern.

so yeah that’s all I got.

Anyone might have some leads?
it’s at a, needle-in-a-haystack point for me rite now.

it probably was someone from here that posted the video-90%

Dominion tank police ?

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whoah damm barely searched it and saw some default pictures and already know I’m going to love it haha.
that metal slug looking tank?? Whaaat

it might be tho!

need to watch the series or movie pronto.

damm that was a nice find, good looking out even if it happens to not be from the clip I’m looking for.

also I think from the clip someone got shot or face started to mutate or something crazy like that while driving. Think it was a dude.
might be confusing myself with another anime I seen that I dont recall the name. Think it had to do with a spy and was on amazon prime.

or maybe the person that posted the clip did a mash-up of various shows but regardless it’s about that scene going down those stairs.

Gurren lagann ?

Also good , I’m just guessing … good luck.

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sounds like it could be akira, ghost in the shell, magazone 23 ??

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Could be Dirty Pair? Same world as the previously mentioned Dominion Tank Police


akira & gits I’m familiar with, those are more mainstream, but I also never really watched the series of gits so you never know.

megazone 23 looks cool, just checked some clips. could have potential of it but regardless I’m adding that to my watch list for sure.

thanks for the recs !

whoah dirty pair looks boss.
definitely going to check it out. thanks.

I should change the title to recommendations and searching for this haha…finding out about some really cool old school style anime here. man i’m such a rookie to this scene.

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”A Wind Named Amnesia”

Shot in the dark, but the scene with the Jeep you mentioned is possibly from this.

Maybe bubblegum crisis or A.D. police files.

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no there was about four large steps or so that filled the framing.
and the vehicle was going downward.
then reaching the bottom floor doing a crazy fishtail and continuing down a tunnel maybe.

thanks tho

will check those.
don’t know how tho cuz they look sort of rare, at least from the common streaming services I use.

I can already tell i’ll enjoy them tho. thanks !

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I don’t know what you mean by “mashing” but the description sounds like Girls Last Tour. I’ve about 11 episodes into the show now. You’re right in that other than taking place in the distant future in an industrial setting, it has very very little in common with any anime based on a Shirow Masamune manga. It’s just two girls constantly looking for food and other supplies in a post-apocalyptic industrial world, while occasionally having some interesting philosophical conversations with one playing the budding philosopher/thinker and the other playing the free-spirited airhead who always wants to eat. Their vehicle is a Kettenkrad, which was historically used by the Germans in WWII and went out of production shortly after.

I’m guessing the video you’re looking for might be buried somewhere in this channel? Bunch of dance/electronic music with anime backgrounds. I stumbled upon it randomly:

Example with some kind of Blade Runner-ish background like you’d see in Ghost in the Shell or Dominion Tank Police

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Yeah streaming some of those old shows can be a challange… I know youtube has been more strict but you can really find a ton of stuff on there just searching name of show and then 01

Not exactly related to your request but this is a anime/art film worth watching… not a lot of speaking in it. Slow, dark, fantastic artwork. maybe not the most uplifting for these times though.


Angel’s Egg is a classic!

Just heard from someone else that this other old school classic is on Youtube. Not cyberpunk like the Shirow stuff but pretty damn good imo


A+ thread gentle persons :smiley:

Fist of the North Star? I think they go down some big stairs at one point during a big chase scene.

I’m leaning towards Dominion Tank Police because two of the antagonists are girls who are often in Tanks. It’s also a bit silly and cartoony.

Could also be Bubblegum Crisis or A.D. Police Files… but there is A LOT TO GO THROUGH. Patlabor could posssibly be another option. Riding Bean… maybe…

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mashing is slang for driving fast and/or various other things of that nature (might be a westcoast thing). like peddle to the metal kind of.

yeah it does sound like Girls Last Tour but the art style from what I recall doesn’t click.

checked that account and all the videos are just short clips/gifs looped the duration of the song.
-the video the forum user posted was his own music and he had whole movie scenes playing throughout the entire video.
so it’s not from that account.

if only there was a way to filter a topic to videos only* then it would be manageable to go back a year through everything cuz I think it’s most likely in the share-your-tunes* topic.
but that thread it’s flooded to try and skim through everything. :confused: idk might have too soon.
thanks for the reply. I’ll get around soon to checking out last tour just in case.
wanted to watch it anyways…was holding off cuz I rather own physically then stream and last tour prices were almost at 50$ last I checked amazon.

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