Analog Rytm OS 1.60A: bug reports

Yeah I have lodged a support ticket just now.

I am hoping its a firmware issue and not a hardware one :crossed_fingers:

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this happended to me yesterday when i powered it on. nothing in the project i was working on appeared to be affected, but it was still worrying… what does it mean?

Be sure to open a ticket guy, this is the only way they can find the solution.
I got my new AR from them and sadly it happened again, I’m a bit confused :confused:
I hope they’ll found a solution but I’m sure they will :slight_smile:

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An email response from support indicated a fix would address the issue in a future update. It was mentioned none of the devices they inspected had hardware faults and if the message was intermittent and the pads worked then there’s nothing to worry about. I’m happy to wait for a software fix.


Oh yeah ? good to know then !

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Transfer 1.2 Bug Reports

I have a new Black MkII and I just upgraded to OS 1.6.0A and experienced the “MISSING CAL: PADS” on startup – I tried running calibration and it hung on calibrating the analog synths. Also, I noticed before this that the Rytm wouldn’t start properly when switching off and on:

  1. turn Rytm off
  2. turn Rytm on
  3. the LEDs flashed on start but the screen wouldn’t come on
  4. I then hit a pad, and the screen suddenly came on
  5. Got the “MISSING CAL: PADS” error

Hi, many of us had the same situation. Don’t worry, it looks like Elektron is working on it.
Their CS told me that the developers have assured them that the fix they’re working on will make sure this never happens.
Also, make sure to don’t try to off one during the boot, the unit doesn’t like that :slight_smile:

Congratulations for your new AR, just be patient until it’s perfect !

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Not sure if this is a bug, but I noticed also that the red trig LEDs don’t seem to respond to parameter locks now – like before the trig LEDs would blink intermittently to show that there were parameter locks recorded on them, I assumed; But now they don’t blink.

Did you notice this juste after the missing cap message ? If so, make sure to send a video and open a ticket at Elektron.

No, I noticed this separately – before the boot / missing cal: pads error.

Didn’t saw that on my black one. Worth opening a ticket

i cant say that i noticed p-locks not blinking on 1.60 but on 1.60A mine work ok
did you update to 1.60A or are still on 1.60 ??

Sorry, I’m on 1.60A

Upgrade form 1.50A to 1.60A went fine on my AR2grey. Encountered something else now though, and I think it was present in previous OS’s. Please tell me whether this is expected or buggy?

I have a kit with performances 2 and 3 programmed. Kit is saved with perf 2 selected so when i use the quick perf knob it controls perf 2. I now select perf 3 and move it all the way up. If I now hit NO+KIT to reload the kit the QPERF selection goes back to perf 2 but perf 3 remains active at maximum value until I manually select and change its value.

To me perf 3 should revert to 0 when reloading kit. I find it confusing that performances don’t reset with kit reload. What do you think? Bug or feature?

good question, hard to tell for sure, that’s probably simplest resolved via support to check if it’s expected/intended - i suspect expected though, but i see your point too


Sound lock (!) indicator seems to be completely missing to denote an incompatible sound with a particular track. Anyone else notice this? Ar mk2 1.60a

This is how it’s always been as far as I remember. I use an external controller for perf control on my mk1 and always wished kit reload (and reload kit after pattern/kit change) would reset.
My only workaround is to use external sequencer (OT in my case)to send 0 value at start of new pattern.

I would love to see a preference setting where you could choose to reset Perfs or not.

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Yes, elektron support replied it was likely kept like this for legacy consistency, but admitted it s perhaps not ideal behavior. They d discuss it with the dev team. Haven t heard back after that. Your propsal for an optional setting sounds viable to me, like the legacy fx send (though that one s a pain sometimes because it s set on a per sound basis).


Thats good to hear they are considering it. It would save me tons of time having to program the OT and make general mangling a bit easier to reset.
Lets hope we get another surprise update!!