Analog Rytm & Analog Four. Transformed

Yeah, Elektron could offer DIY replacement cases with a little screwdriver Included…
But what about the warranty?

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You could order a black one then return it after swapping over the grey for black. Reason for return. I ordered a black one but you sent me a grey one.


Never trust sabana! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Where there’s a will there’s a way. :smiley:

Officially, that option will not be made available. This was asked in the Admin section, it was less clear if the new sounds etc will be available for the grey units. I’m leaning towards yes, but don’t hold me to that, it wasn’t as clear as the case answer was

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Maybe they can put a toggle grey/black button in the next firmware :wink:


Gino V. said that it will « look better in the shade ».

Hello Elektron as an owner of an Analog 4MK2 and Rytm MK2 already where can I get access to the new patches developed that are shipping with the black ones? I’m hoping these will be a free upgrade to existing owners as well? Looking good by the way!

Yes this ^^ and make it P-lock-able Lock-les-Color-trig-lock :wink:

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Look 3 posts over yours.

In regards to the new factory sounds only available to the black model i have strong reservations that it will be a free download for the grey model. Only because its listed as a strong selling point in the write up. And its Elektrons collateral to sell these units and differentiate them from the older grey ones. Maybe down the line they might relinquish but at the moment it makes no sense to do so.

Well…the news is out, and i can break the silence…the MK2 grey model will also include the new factory patterns, when you update to A4 OS 1.50 and Rytm OS 1.60.

See more here:


Trig preview!!


Yeeeeeeeesssss! :ok_hand:t2::muscle:t2::pray:t2:
And Trig probability :star_struck:

How does this work differently than the trig conditions? Is that on top of the conditions?

Probability is Track based and playable (not p-lockable)
TRCs are Step Based and can be locked and include extra modes, like fill etc

any prior existing step locks are given priority - thus inclusion of a 100% TRC so that some steps can be kept in place playing if you go wild with the Probability knob


I was convinced I was gonna get Rick Rolled there!

I was wrong! September ! : D

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love the people complaining about “no new flagship machine.” look at the list of new features in the OS! everyone who owns any of the three versions of these two machines just got a ton of new stuff to play with for free! and this, during the dumpster fire of a 2020 that we’ve had…


Nice ! :partying_face:

Elektron is a solid company. Thanks you.

(I suppose no new sounds for MKI because it is different from MKII ?)