Analog Heat : Feature Requests

(Ok, so I’m not certain this would be feasible, as my understanding of CV routing is admittedly fairly limited. Any comment likely to enlighten me will be warmly welcomed.)

Here’s the idea.

Seeing as :
a) the AH ‘control in’ ports can be configured to accept expression pedals;
b) expression pedals basically sit in a loop, filtering a control voltage sent from the device they are meant to control (hence the use of a TRS cable); and
c) the maximum and minimum voltage values handled by the AH are customizable…

It doesn’t seem like much of a stretch to think the “control in” ports could be used as straight-up “CV outs” (assignable as LFO and envelope destinations).

If possible, that would be positively amazing.
It would wildly broaden the usability of this already fantastic machine.

Doesn’t seem possible. Maybe I’m wrong but as far as I understand it expression pedals receive fixed voltage and send back another voltage modified by their resistor…
AH doesn’t seem to send modulated voltage.

I only want one thing : A DEDICATED MIDI MESSAGE FOR TRIGGER!!! :weary:
Preferably any note on AH midi channel.


That’s a brilliant idea! That way, we could “midi-sidechain” any parameter to which the LFO and envelope can be applied.

That’s exactly my point: if you go to ‘parameters > control in > control in A (or B) > control mode “CV”’, you are able to set the “CV zero level” and “CV max level”.

I’m thinking that if it can be modified manually, then can likely be modulated. :slight_smile:

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Ah! Wait : what I wrote above is for received CV…
You’re right… nothing indicates the AH can modify the CV it sends out.

I misapprehended what you wrote; sorry.


I would like to see for the mk1 models also an in and out meter on one page. maybe on the amp page 3

Switch [Control in] to [audio input]

Capcity to play with two audio signals

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Just got mine yesterday - would love two things.

Would love the LFO to reset/trigger on MIDI Start
An inverse of the sawtooth - the current “ramp” is the right direction, but there is a gap of 0 before the next ramp. Maybe I’m missing something?

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Set the depth of the LFO on the sawtooth to negative?


One feature req here: please update AH and let MIDI notes through, instead of just tempo information. That way any AH plus an iPhone or iPad would turn into a full fledged standalone synth, with the added bonus of analogue distortion and such. Thank you!


I’d also love to see the option for LFOs to reset on midi transport start messages!

And maybe even the ability to trigger the envelopes by sending midi notes to the heat?


Yeah, Sezare56 suggested this a few months ago; it’s a stellar idea, and provided you’ve got a device equipped with the Elektron sequencer linked to your AH, I reckon it would let you easily align/reset the LFO to transport like you want (say, using a conditional [1st] trigless trig on the first step).

…of course, it would let you do much MUCH more than that. :wink:


Is it possible to route the filter pre to distortion? If not , that would be my request.

Choose pre or post filter to distortion circuit.

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Pre and post effects
Might as well include
some nice
How bout 2 more inputs
And cue out?

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its been discussed elsewhere and referred to above some time ago but i’d like to see the current state saved (not an autosave preset) and loaded after a power off/on

yes it reloads the preset, yes i could remember to save the preset before turning it off but other Elektron boxes remember their last state and it would be nice to align the AH’s behaviour with that


If something like freeze fx or beat repeat will be put on it, I’ll buy it fo sure.

Neither will be put on it, it’s an analogue drive/distortion with filter, envelope and LFO. It doesn’t have the required sample buffer or DSP for things like freeze or beat repeat.


I just got the Analog Heat MK2 recently and it’s mostly very cool, except one thing:

Question: Why can’t the envelope be triggered with a midi note message? Turns out this is a BIG thing to leave out.

CV works for this in footswitch mode, but the added complexity needed to enable that is significant. This should be so simple and is so common elsewhere. I’d rather use CV for something interesting.

At this point I just want to know why?! Hard to believe it could be a technical limitation or a design philosophy.

Please add this feature.


In the naming screen when saving a preset it would be handy if you could insert a character by pressing SETTINGS+YES

On the Digitakt naming screen you can both insert and delete, so it would make sense to implement this on the Analog Heat as well.

As of now on the Analog Heat SETTINGS+NO deletes a character, there is no option to insert.

I think it would also improve the speed of the workflow when using both machines.


Love the Heat, one request.

Can we change the button color to our own choice? In startup menu the key test shows all colors are available. That would be pretty damned aesthetically pleasing. I do not love the yellow. Also, led dimming.

Thanks Elektron, I love you!