Analog Heat envelope follower MIDI out?


I have a quick question: can the Analog Heat’s envelope follower send MIDI out?

That’s pretty much it. Just wondering if a signal going into the Heat can be turned into MIDI data, via the envelope follower. I don’t see it as a destination in the manual, so I’m thinking it’s not possible.

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Ha! I had this same question a while back. And unfortunately the answer is no. That would be awesome if it could! And the manual is kinda confusing because in the midi settings there is a “send CC’s” function but that’s basically to send like automation to your daw or whatever so it can record it and play it back.

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Oh bummer! Thanks for the quick replies.

It would be pretty awesome. Oh well :slight_smile:

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For what i understand is that you can use the physical knop movement out, and record that.
Please correct me if i am wrong.

Yes would be a nice firmware update if all the Env/trig/Lfo modulations would sent out!

What about incoming CV, is that portable to the midi out? would be a nice midi to cv hub :slight_smile:
I did a similar topic that might interest readers of this topic.

how about overbridge? can you somehow route the envelope followers output into ableton through overbridge?

I don’t use the AH with usb anymore, pure analog.

Please try it out and let us know!
The AH is so underused i think