Analog Four/Keys 1.40 & Analog Rytm 1.50

Thanks avantronica!

Another question:

Does the Arp work with the midi out?


Unfortunately not.


I only wished Sysex Librarian could handle multiple device updates simultaneously.

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I had that problem before update. Holding longer the track button > Project menu.
Quickly > Global


Loving the update! My only inspired feature request now would be to add some CC control output options! I’m using the Analog Four and it would be amazing if there was perhaps a Page 2 for the Note menu with CC output options that I could p-lock, macro, etc. :slight_smile:


All working great so far. Analog rytm mk1 on logic x.

Just one query, I can’t get the mutes to record when using the VST?!

I want to record mutes love into my daw for play back?

Okay. Thanks. I think I’m better off to stay with samples on the AR anyway, which has always works perfectly. I can use the additional two AnalogKeys channels for other monosynths instead, but no retrig like AR :frowning:

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My rytm mki has program change before update you really gotta dig the manual to set it up all elektron machines program change on channel 11 I’m pretty sure . :slight_smile:

Curious if anyone else has had this problem since updating.
While using Rytm mkii with Overbridge my Rytm has frozen up and crashed on me twice both while playing with Performance FX. Never had this problem before. I’ve had to restart the machine twice in the past 10 minutes. The overbridge engine display went from Active to Fault as well.

Don’t remember seeing it in the release notes, but it looks like they widened the tap vs. hold shortcuts.

e.g. tap the “gear” button for Global (or with Function for Save Project), vs hold it for Load Project.
It takes a slightly longer hold to invoke the Load shortcut, which is nice, because I thought it was just a little too short before.

The headers on the Save/Load projects screens are a good addition, too


I was super excited to have midi out on the Analog Four MK1. Did my update like I have for years. Go into one of hundred or so projects to start layering some tracks and…

All the sounds on the tracks have been reset to the default square wave. On every track, in every project. The sequence is there, but that is it. No edited sound, no effects, no panning, nothing.
Do I just delete all those songs, are they gone forever? That sucks.

I’m scratching my head, trying to figure out after reading the manual and searching this thread, if the following is possible:
Track 1 to 4 on the Analog Four, uses the internal synth engines. I won’t set them to send Midi Out.

CV and / or FX track, however, I want to use to sequence my Rev2. So far, I know this can be done.

Can it be done polyphonically, though? With no impact on the already existing internal synth tracks?

Can I have an A4 bassline on Track 1, a A4 kick drum on Track 2, a A4 HiHat on Track 3 and an A4 Lead on Track 4, AND midi-sequence a four-note chord from the CV or FX track to my Rev2?

Can I? Please say I can.




I love you.


I love you too


We love you


Short and longer tap of that combo gives two different UX features on MK2 , see if same is intended from MK1 manual

I tried [TRIG] + [PARAMETER] + [YES] to randomize parameters for only one trig. Would be a nice feature for the next update. ^^ …I’m already happy with this update, it’s just something I intuitively tried to do.


that would be great. Was thinking the same on the DN already


Me too!