Analog Four/Keys 1.40 & Analog Rytm 1.50

Sorry bud, just reading your link/ post now - my questions are answered.

Nice One!

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Yeah, this is pretty lame. Otherwise the update is great. Pattern bpm is a big deal.

You can’t use an external keyboard to audition live a mono synth connected via midi on the other end of device. You can only use internal pads or keyboard or recorded sequence to audition. So no live auditioning with external keyboard with an external voice. Even though with external keyboard you can live audition internal voice associated with midi channel out.

Unless you mirror the channel from keyboard with midi thru box, then switch port/cable to the elektron device once ready to playback sequence.

Hopefully this is changed so devices (Rytm in my case) can be used with external keyboard without having to resort to annoying workarounds.

Pads or one octave keyboard are not too useful for proper melodies.


You can use midi Thru, which sends back midi in, hence midi out with the loopback.


Hi there,

When I want to control an external synth via midi it will only let me play on the a4’s mini keys, then I hear the synth play. When I put in trigs, the sequence doesn’t play.

I remember vaguely having seen this issue talked about here. I have to add that in another project it works fine, but suddenly I can’t seem to find the problem. Could it be that I’m also using CV out on some (other) channels that this is messing things up?

It has been confirmed and reported. Now we wait.

edit - misread this. Sounds like the Track MIDI out is not enabled, Fn+Note (SEND MIDI) - thought external meant external midi in (known issue)


Possibly wrong midi channel setting.
Mini keyboard can send midi with Auto channel or track channel, tracks with their track channel only.

You also have to check SEND MIDI in NOTE SETUP.

In GLOBAL > MIDI PORT CONFIG I’d set OUTPUT CH channel to TRK CH, and set the external synth on the same midi channel.


Thank you, I will check this all out. :+1::+1:

This did the trick, thanks!


2 possible reasons to have sound with the A4/AK keyboard and not with the sequencer.
Btw I added that second possible answer by editing, probably at the same time as @avantronica! I promise I didn’t see it! :wink:

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Ah, I see just now that @avantronica edited his answer, thanks to you both :sweat_smile:


Hi ! since the update on my Ryytm Mk1, i can’t delete a single track pattern, it only clears all tracks patterns, is it a bug or do i missed something? thanks

Are you doing e.g. Fn+Clear whilst in step edit mode though ? Any other mode will clear all

works normally here

thanks for your answer,recorde mode is off,chain and song modes also, i press function + clear and it clears all the tracks pattern

read my post, your issue is answered clearly

step edit mode is solid red record button (i.e. not flashing, not off)

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ok, my bad, when i ve done that it was wrote “clear track” instead of “clear pattern” and i tought it was for the sound + the patterns. thanks a lot !


Hi folks. Question, latest OS1.50 on Rytm mk1. You know the trick of locking the pads with pressure dialed in (push pad, hold TRACK button, release pad)? On my box it seems it got crippled by the last update, could you please let me know if the following applies to your Rytm too? 1. I can still lock performance and aftertouch (good). 2. I cannot lock retrigs anymore, which was a nice feature. Is it really gone or it’s just my box?

Those issues were fixed as discussed above at some point.

Loving the update. Thanks Elektron!
One thing I found odd is that all trigs, even trigless locks, send midi notes when midi out is enabled on a track. Is there a way to make an individual trig not send midi? Also, can I disable trigless locks from sending midi by default? I was a bit confused when I had a sequence going with an a4 track and external synth playing together, tried to live record some parameter locks, then the external synth sequence was suddenly all messed up. I’d imagine having trigless locks not send midi would be the obvious default setting if it’s possible at all.


I agree - this feels like a bug for me, there’s no good reason for this to be the starting point IMHO - so I reported it as unexpected/bug - if this doesn’t change then do the same, it makes no sense - that’s not to say it’s a piece of cake to rectify in 2 minutes, but the lock trigs should not be sending MIDI Note Ons for the reason mentioned or there should be a method to override individual steps for MIDI send (enc H iirc was free on A4 where this issue is most problematic)


Thanks @avantronica. In the mean time it is actually quite nice that I can add extra notes to a midi sequence that is otherwise playing in unison with an A4 track. The other effects of this behavior are definitely frustrating.

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