Analog Four 1.50 & Analog Rytm 1.60

just got around to updating my a4mkii. The three updates I was most looking forward to:

[MKII] The Analog Four MKII now supports class compliant audio over USB.

hell yea. Tip: you need to enable USB audio in the USB config menu before you can access USB audio options in the Audio Routing menu. But it looks sweet; there’s a lot of options for routing. USB audio can be routed to/from the main out, the ext input, the individual voices, or stereo pairs of voices. Dope.
Works fine with my iPhone (with the lightning-USB3 adapter). Works okay with my computer and Audacity, but sometimes is unstable with audio rates. Sometimes playback would get weirdly pitch shifted; sounded about a minor third, which is almost exactly the ratio of 48000/44100, so I suspect some audio rate mismatch issues. Could be my laptop’s fault; I didn’t dive in much.

[MKII] Simultaneously pressing four or more trig keys could in some cases lead to double-triggered keys.

Something I was happy to see. I think it actually affects 3-button presses too, not just 4+. The biggest bummer was with perf mode mutes; if you tried toggling 3+ tracks at once, a lot of the time it would whiff and only toggle some of them at random. Looks to be more stable now; I can’t get any partial hits.
Unfortunately, 3+ simultaneous presses seems to be a hair less sensitive. If I very quickly tap 1 or 2 buttons, it gets it. But if I very quickly tap 3+, it misses all of them reliably. I have to be just a hair more deliberate and a little less percussive with it…

Some parameters were too sensitive when snapping to values using the [FUNC] key.

I was also happy to see this note (LFO depths, for example, were a bit fiddly to hit 0 exactly). But I’m a bit disappointed. It appears that they “reduced the sensitivity” just by limiting the refresh rate, not by reducing knob angle sensitivity. It makes it a bit easier to dial in these sensitive parameters, but it’s still fiddly:

  • It feels laggy, because it is. It’s effectively lowering the “frame rate” of the knobs when FUNC is held.
  • Because the angle sensitivity hasn’t changed, it’s still easy to hit the wrong value. The lagginess makes it a bit easier to release FUNC when it hits the desired value, but if you’re not quick, the sensitivity issue is exactly the same as it used to be. Take the LFO depth parameter; if you slowly rotate the knob, it’s still only like a few degrees rotation to snap to the next value.
  • For any parameters with many snap values (e.g. snapping oscillator pitch by octaves, or the new note length snaps), it now takes a long time to scroll through values, because it will only increment values about 3 times per second.

So it’s nice that they tried to make it better, but I’m probably not going to use the FUNC snap feature any more than I used to.

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Is it now possible to use the arpeggiator with MIDI out?

No. Still only the midi notes that are on the sequencer gets out to midi. The arp is like an internal effect/processing and therefore sadly not available on the midi out

I see. Does the arpeggiator work on CV outputs?

Yes, on the cv track the arp works…

c’mon, elektron! get USB class compliant on mk1’s also please!!!

Which mute issue?

How do you use it with Rytm?

I don’t have it, I just read the comments on the YouTube vid …

elektron, please tell us if you are working on mk1 usb class compliant or if there is a technical reason it can’t be done. i need clarity please.

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if it was possible, it would have been added in the latest update.
it wasn’t, so it isn’t.


They are not working on it. The reason is that the mk1s use a different USB chipset, which would require a completely different implementation (+ testing + support) by its own.

So in principle it could be done, but the additional effort for not-sold-anymore hardware is simply too much.

IMHO that’s reasonable. Other companies ignore out-of-sale products, but Elektron still brings new features to them.


Seems pretty clear to me already.


Yeah you should go on with life assuming it’s not going to happen.


Does anyone know if i can disable this? its great but not always desirable…
I am sending midi to ableton but i want to still send program change to have patterns linked.
and its sending the midi to my other synths etc… i can disable certain channels etc but i end up with less channels and more complicated… a switch would be great

I finally managed to update to the latest OS (had some projects that needed to be backed up which took quite some time^^ Who wants to sit there and backup stuff instead of working on music?) and omg…even though no new features for the synthesis, fx or anything like that were added, it’s so much more fun to work with it!
It somehow feels ‘more complete’ as an instrument, if you know what I mean…

The two step recording modes make entering notes so much faster in certain cases, more scale options for patterns is great!
I don’t work with randomization actually, but I tried the randomizer once on the amp page and it produced something I continued to use in the track I was working on.
Heck, even the new menu structure and the new font is an improvement.

Thx Elektron :wink: :elan: :heart:


Trig Preview is excellent too! :smiley:

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Ah, how could I forget that?! That adds a whole range of possibilites (playing the trigs…).

Before the update it was already possible to hold p-locked trigs while the sequencer was playing and then those p-locks were basically executed for as long as the trig was held, which was pretty cool already, but yeah, trig preview is great! :upside_down_face:

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Hoping they’ll add the ability to play Multi Map notes one-at-a-time into the new Step Record mode. Currently not possible (on AK at least…)


just found my least fav feature of this update…

The use of page+yes for randomizing, in combination with trig+yes for preview.

If I’m dialing in a fancy p-lock, I’m probably rapidly flicking between different pages and previewing while twiddling.
If I slightly mis-time my taps, woops, randomized. At least it’s only one page; doesn’t tend to be too difficult to restore it by memory.

I think randomization should be disabled while holding a trig.