I’m producing more and better as I’m using less the computer. Right now, I’m using the OP-1 a lot, the SP404SX and the MFB-522, just finishing things at Ableton Live. However, although the MFB-522 is nice and I like A LOT to step sequence my drums, I’m not exactly into the 808/909/90’s techno sound of the drum machine.
The OP-1 community also loves the Elektron gears, so I started to read and listen about their drum machines and I became really fascinated by those hardwares But I’m having some doubts that maybe you folks can help or clarify.
As I’m going to visit London in a couple of weeks (but I live in Brazil) I started searching in stock Elektron hardware that could fit what I’m needing: a powerful step sequencer, a not so obvious variety of drum sounds a possibility of swing.
The step sequencer of the Analog Rytm appears to be really cool, but the drums sounds that I’ve listened didn’t really got me: too “vanilla”, as someone of the forum described. The Machinedrum sound possibilities impressed me, but I’ve read a lot of criticism to the step sequencer (by the way, what’s the problem with the sequencer)?
Indeed, the Analog Four appears to be my best choice: nice sound possibilities and a very modern step sequencer. But I don’t know if I really got it’s possibilites, or if I’m having bigger expectations (and as I’m happy with my synths - OP-1, Dark Energy I, Korg R3 - it’s full synth capabilities aren’t really important to me, although I’m searching for warmer bass sounds, which I don’t know if the A4 can deliver, as I’d read mixed opinions about this aspect of the synth).
Do you think the A4 is a good choice for drum creation and step sequencing? It have a swing/quantize percentage to give more groove to the beats? Can I reverse the sounds with the parameter lock? It’s possible to change the length of each track for polyrythms?
Thanks a lot!