
Anybody here using the Ambika in multimode? I’m thinking of using it as a 5 voice poly for chords / pads and 1 voice for bass / lead, utilizing the multiple outputs. I may be able to sell off my SH01A if I like how this setup sounds. I’ve read about it on the MI forums and in the manual. Doesn’t seem to difficult. Anybody have experience with this setup? Thanks

Yeah just set up the channels and voice how you like. Go to the multi area and hit save.


I’ve been plinking away at this thing a few hours here and there. Coming along nicely.
Finally built the main board.

I made some SMR-4X PCB’s.
Too many? :thinking:

(Shipping is way more expensive than the PCB’s, so why not make a bunch of em?)

I have parts for 6 voice cards arriving in a few days. Excited to finally have this thing built soon!


Just kidding!

I made a bunch more lol :joy:



Parts finally showed up today for 6 voice cards!
Getting ready to assemble and tune!

Squeezed in a little soldering today between a bunch of other things I had to get done.

Ordered the wrong 4052’s but the correct ones arrived from Mouser today. Popped them in the filter cards and programmed all of them

Should be up and running tomorrow I think!!


I have spent a lot of time with my new Ambika over lockdown


superb character … which filterset is your ambika?

Thanks, its 6xSVF

Cool! Nice sounding patches. I like the brass one around 10:30 or so, others are good too :slight_smile: I’m better at making patches in context vs. stand alone.

I really need to spend time with mine. I only know of one other person who has the resonance compensated versions of these filter boards (though some people have done manual mods). I really like them but I need to give them a good run. Resonance tracking is solid for 4 octaves on all 6 boards (dual pot tuning add to the PCB).

I finished building it (checks pictures above)… 4 months ago and I haven’t really had quality time with it. I’ve been too busy building desks and custom patch bays for my home studio. It’s been very hard keeping away from using it and music in general to finish building my space. I also have kids so everything is in few hour spurts here and there.

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Lovely stuff :slight_smile: I’m interested to see how close the Micromonsta 2 can get to those sounds.

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Very very nice! Makes one wonder how this would sound with the standard filters. Do you sell those patches?


I do indeed, Click through to the soundcloud page for all the info.
Ignore the bit about 25% off and get 45% off instead
Use code “Fambika” at checkout :hugs:

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Great, purchased straight away! :+1:

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Im moving to another place right now but i’ll do a demo of the Ambika (6 smr4 filters) later.
I think its a very underrated synth.
It completely killed my GAS for another poly (also have the OB6).


Ok I just found out about the Ambika and I’m gonna buy it. Last thing I didn’t figure out is: does it allow 2 operator FM synthesis as well? I think I’ll go for all SMR even if I read somewhere about 4 SMR + 2 SVF. Does the latter cause any problem from user point of view? I’d use it as 4 poly, 1 bass 1 lead. Thanks

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4 voices will run out quickly if you do pad-like /string stuff, which the Ambika is great for.
You could always add a shruthi xt for mono stuff. It depends on your plans. I’d say start with 6 of the same filter and then you can change it up later if you change your mind.

That said, you can totally do what you want. I just think you’ll get more mileage out of 6 voices.

Well done sir.

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Thank you

It is extremely underrated as is the Shruthi-1.
I have wanted one for a long time and don’t know why I didn’t get one sooner. It’s very similar to my Prophet 12m and I managed to get some fairly similar sounding patches from it, mostly using small amounts of crush and fuzz.

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thanks for the advice. I am going hardware after a looong period of DAW/VST so I am a little hesitant, but all-SMR seems the way to go.

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