(Ambient, BoC) Live Looping - Analog Keys through Octatrack

Thank you :pray:t2:

Thats really good, really enjoyable.

Thanks very much, appreciated

Thank you for the detailed description. Any insights on those AK patches would also be ace :sunglasses: I’ve tried my hardest to get that kind of sound but to no avail. You however, nailed it. If you were to release a sound pack, I’d purchase for sure.

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Sure, I’ll post the settings I have for the pad here later on.

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Pretty simple setup- Pad :

OSC 1 Sawtooth with 5th Sub, Level 75
OSC 2 Sawtooth +12 Tuning, Detune -6, Level 107
Vibrato Speed 25, Depth 16

F1 Frequency 70, Res 20, Overdrive -30, Env Depth +8
F2 Frequency 37, Res 20, HP2

Amp Env
Attack 73, Decay 103, Sustain 64, Release 71, Shape 3, Reverb Send 76, Vol 99

Filt Env
Attack 0, Decay 96, Sustain 33, Release 25, Shape 2

The Reverb is set with Decay to 117 to really wash it out, and the HPF is 50

Hope that helps


Oh man - that’s awesome - I’m going to have a play with this. Fun times!

Really appreciate your help and community vibes. Respect. :heat:


I’m trying to wrap my brain around this concept:

So, you’ve got 4 pick-up machines and 4 flex machines recording the pick-up machines.

Are you just playing into and recording each pick-up machine one after the other? Or what’s going on with those 4?

I really dig the track



Pickup Machines record into their respective track recorder, so T1-4 in this case.

Remember that Flex Machines (T5-8) can play any track recorder. In this example, the Flex Machines on Tracks 5-8 are set up to play Track Recorders 1-4.

So, the Pickup Machines are sampling as normal, but we also have a set of 4 different tracks playing the same source, but with different settings (Rate, Effects and so on).

Hope that’s clearer, let me know if not

Thanks for the listen!

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Yeah, that’s a bit clearer!

The thing I’m still curious about is that you’re playing it all into the OT with the AK, right?

So, one voice (or patch/preset) at a time? …times 4 pickup machines…?

As I listen back, I hear one layer right away; then a second layer comes in, and I can’t tell if it’s just the first layer being played back and altered via the flex machine or if it’s a second pickup machine with a new loop.

Whew! This track, being the 2 minutes that it is, has me twisted!

I’m imagining that at about 0:12-0:20 is when the flex is playing back the first pickup machine. And then the bass comes in around 0:40 on the second pickup machine? A new voice (the high pitch) possibly comes in on its own pickup around 0:53. and then the flexes are just doing their flex thing to the pickups?

oh man. so good

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That sounds about right. Basically, the pad first, on Pickup Machine 1.

However, there’s overdubbing of that. What I did here was the record the 4 chord sequence first, and with that playing, add some overdubs but only on the tail of some other notes. So, play the pad, but hit overdub (AB button) as the tail fades. You get some nice textures in this way.

The Pickup Machine 2 is the bass, so that was added next. The timestretching makes it sound really wobbly, which I like.

Then, yeah, that high pitched lead thing is on the 3rd Pickup Machine.

The changes you hear are also the sweeping of the crossfader. So XVOL is mapped, which blends between the actual Pickup Machine loops, and the “altered” (i.e. pitched down) Flex Machines on the right.

Just bringing in a small amount of that changes the feel, and sliding all the way to the right, you can hear the slower, pitched down Pickup Machines.


Man this is great! Thanks for posting and explaining :slight_smile: inspiring stuff!


Mind blown!

thank you for taking the time to explain that.

Today is going to be an overdubbed pickup machine kind of day.


Let’s do it

I absolutely love this. I’m a huge BoC fan. I have a Digitakt and I’m considering picking up an Analog 4. My question is how integral is the Octatrack to getting those washed out sounds? Do you think I could achieve something similar with just the A4 (and Digitakt)?

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Absolutely. The OT is adding some flavour, but then so is the Analog Heat. I’d say you get most of the way there with the AK/4 though as that’s the core of the sound.

The happy accident part provided by the OT is similarly recreatable on the DT, just a different workflow. The OT is superior in terms of realtime dynamic sampling, but that’s more performance based (also more immediate in this context)


Thanks so much for replying (and for the inspiration)!!! This sealed the deal for me. I definitely see an A4 next to my Digitakt in the future.


Thanks for listening :pray:t2:Enjoy the journey. These machines are magical.

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Sorry, one more question. I noticed that you have the DT and OT. Do you find that they are different enough to justify both? I love my DT and am getting more and more interested in the OT. But first the A4, of course. Lol.