Am I the only one who has permanent issue with Transfer, C6?


Same shit

I don’t see the file in your C6 :confused:

What happens after you pressed stop? No file? No error msg? Just nothing?

if USB isn’t working you can also go VIA MIDI, but you need to connect IN and OUT. just IN won’t werk.

you ALSO MUST highlight the file to transfer. if not…wont werk. I did that before. felt kinda dumb


But I don’t have 5 pin MIDI on my laptop

you highlighting the file in C6?

Yes. This is the problem

Rec format SDS is correct? Not sure what I have set there…

what is the problem? sorry man…just trying to help. sensing hostility…but that is an unfortunate side effect of messages.

I tried already every configuration variation already. Nothing works

That you don’t see the file

Wait, you want to send or receive sysex?
In one screenshot is appears C6 received sysex msg.

okay wait WHAT…you drag the file in and it doesnt show up?

No. Read the beggining please. I would like to save a sysex dump from DT before I update the sw

Ok, weird, cause C6 clearly shows it has received a sysex message.

Uninstall and then start over?

Ok. You are right. I can’t save my sysex dump

Already done.

Ok, in this case…Try over Din midi with midi interface that is known to handle sysex well?

Increase Delay Ticks?

Why do you have SDS Device Number set to 10?

I tried already with 0 as well. No change