Akai MPC Live Mk II

Maybe split the posts from the mpc live thread into here mods? There’s already been some discussion about it over there @AdamJay


more buttons

I wonder if the paint material is better too

Aren’t they releasing lots of devices that compete with each other ?

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trying, but the forum software isn’t cooperating, so bare with us.


MPC Live 2 incoming


Looks like they moved a few buttons around and added CV outs maybe? ( and moved master volume to the top/front)
… any further insight ?

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Size format is still awful and no function buttons just does my head in. What they added is not enough for me to sell my mk1 at a loss.


Um, ya, so… Just copying this one post over from the other thread, on the advice of the mods, and because I do think it’s a valid gripe. :wink:

With regards to the rumour that the Live MKII might have a built-in speaker…

That would be tragic.

Some footswitch inputs, on the other hand, would have been nice. I will never understand why they deemed those necessary on the X and left them off the Live.

What I’m seeing in the above images doesn’t seem worth selling my MKI for.



Couple of extra buttons and some additional outs for a Mk2. Where have we seen this before? :thinking:


Honestly, I’m not really seeing the need for this second thread. I mean, first of all the MKII is purely speculative at this point; and, beyond that, if the original thread is for two different models of MPC (i.e. X and Live), why can’t it handle another incarnation of the Live?

Besides, look what’s happening here: we’ve got discussions about both the MKI and MKII in both threads now. It’s a bit of a mess if you ask me. Anyway, just my proverbial two cents…



I hear you. It was a request and us mods agreed.

Reopening the other thread to direct MK1 discussion there.

It’s good to have a fresh MK2 thread, though, if only for the fact that our forum software is ill equipped to manage longer, older threads for the time being. And this one will get more action, making it easier for us to manage, and consume less of our time.

Of course, not talking about the MK1 here while the MK1 thread was only “temporarily locked” , and noted as such would have kept things on track. A bit of patience is appreciated.

Now the MK1 posts here can’t be moved to that old thread, so they’re just being deleted FYI.


Assuming this is the thread I should comment in for this???

I’m curious about the internal parts if this is legit. I.E. better screen w/more responsiveness (3D Touch?), More RAM (from 1-2GB or more), bigger hard drive, etc. And then the externals regarding build quality, pad quality, etc.

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Im still waiting for any of the recent mpc’s to receive midi or sysex command for some of the more basic features. Thats why i find midi 2.0 talks to be funny. Todays gear manufacturers don’t even implement midi 1 fully.


MK II but with the same awful workflow!!!

I sold off my MkI in December and got a good price for it still thankfully. Traded it out for a Moog mother 32 and an arturia drumbrute. I understand that whole setup is a completely different animal but I have so much more fun now working analog than I did suffering through the workflow on the live. If your gear is preventing you from simply making music, get different gear. Or learn it better :). I made some good stuff on the live but the analog experience is so much more in the moment and I love that.


Oh well, keeping my Emkay 1 for a long time, or until Ableton or NI step up.

Bear in mind what you’re comparing is a completely different thing though. It’s a bit like saying “I much prefer playing guitar to using a DAW”. I’d like to see someone do a mix using a guitar. I get what you’re saying, I just don’t like it when people equate it to “analog magic” when it’s nothing to do with analog. I’m sure you’d be having as much fun if you’d traded for a digital synth. Well, most people would, until they found out it was digital at least :troll:


Dead straight, you are correct. It’s comparing apples to chickens. I guess I should have left it with my main point that I was happy to have unloaded my Live before news of a new model because I got 85% of what I paid. In fairness I just probably didn’t spend enough time working with it to learn it as well as I should have, but I have been a trumpet player for almost 30 years and the analog world is just a lot more enjoyable for me. It’s mainly a matter of my inexperience, not a matter of Akai producing a poor product. I owned the X as well and didn’t love working with either. God, that thing was a beast though. There is no arguing how robust the feature-set is and will become. Cheers!


I’m surprised you tried both and neither of them worked for you, I’d love to spend some time with an X. Hopefully you can find a sampler that works for you. Some people love it, some people aren’t into it at all. They can do so much for you particularly if you’re already a talented musician which you no doubt are with all that experience. It’s like being able to multiply yourself, maybe give it a blast again some point further down the road. They aren’t going anywhere and they’re only gonna get cheaper. Good to hear you’re enjoying your new gear, that’s all that matters at the end of the day.