Aha! There will be another Elektron sampler

Yeah, that would make sense - Overbridge is obviously a huge deal for Elektron and it’s potentially confusing to only have it apply to half your product line.
But then the MD and MN would also need to be updated, really, since they’re current products. I guess Overbridge could be restricted to black-cased machines…
I’m not especially bothered about Overbridge myself - I use Elektron boxes to get away from the PC. But you have to figure that a revised OT would have a few other tricks up its sleeve… but then what could they be? Analog effects would bleed into the Rytm’s space, and beyond that (and a few lingering bugs) I think the OT is a practically perfect machine. So if it was just an Overbridge revision, I think I’d be happy sticking with my original.
Of course if they ramp up the processor and add ten more LFOs per track, I might have to reconsider.[/quote]
besides Overbridge as a reason…I would say many customers have been scared off from buying OT because of how complex it is. It’s part of the reason i ended up chosing the Rytm. Every release since OT seems to have aimed at making the UI more accessible and easier…so a new OT makes sense in this way too. If you check the black boxes closely you can see how their system interface has evolved over time.


It is something between a sampler and a rompler.

It’s a rampler.

(Just like the A4/AK will be once they add the facilities to what is currently the noise menu.)


It is something between a sampler and a rompler.

It’s a rampler.

(Just like the A4/AK will be once they add the facilities to what is currently the noise menu.)[/quote]
a rompler is something they have already put their own samples in and you can’t change them…roland makes / made romplers…my definition anyway. am interested to hear how you describe the difference though.

Mate … the Rytm has Sample Playback capabilities, but it is NOT a Sampler ^^

A Sampler can actually sample - hence its name! The Rytm cant. Neighter on its own by resampling itself nor through its inputs. So it is not a sampler.

The Octatrack is a Sampler because it CAN sample - itself or its inputs. Same goes for the Machinedrum, it is a Drummachine with a built-in Sampler that can resample or sample the inputs.

No further discussion needed on this, if you dont trust us: Google what a sampler really is :slight_smile:

I think the same. They will rebuild OT and clear up its interface. They can even give it audio input via USB and add a ‘mixer’ section.

…ok…next to come is the P FORMR…

and it will be like a lovechild of the ot and the mnm…

and it’s out on namm 2016…with full overbrigde support…of course…

Mate … the Rytm has Sample Playback capabilities, but it is NOT a Sampler ^^

A Sampler can actually sample - hence its name! The Rytm cant. Neighter on its own by resampling itself nor through its inputs. So it is not a sampler.

The Octatrack is a Sampler because it CAN sample - itself or its inputs. Same goes for the Machinedrum, it is a Drummachine with a built-in Sampler that can resample or sample the inputs.

No further discussion needed on this, if you dont trust us: Google what a sampler really is :slight_smile: [/quote]
Umm, here’s what Google has to say, and there’s nothing there that says it HAS to be able to resample or do anything other than allow you to load a sample and play it back.

Mate … the Rytm has Sample Playback capabilities, but it is NOT a Sampler ^^

A Sampler can actually sample - hence its name! The Rytm cant. Neighter on its own by resampling itself nor through its inputs. So it is not a sampler.

The Octatrack is a Sampler because it CAN sample - itself or its inputs. Same goes for the Machinedrum, it is a Drummachine with a built-in Sampler that can resample or sample the inputs.

No further discussion needed on this, if you dont trust us: Google what a sampler really is :slight_smile: [/quote]
Umm, here’s what Google has to say, and there’s nothing there that says it HAS to be able to resample or do anything other than allow you to load a sample and play it back.
Yeah, the Problem in those definitions is: They include all the various aspects around the Sample Player that has abilities like Filters and Stuff. But those are rather Romplers, not Samplers. So its the wrong look at what a Sampler really is. And a Sampler - by definition - samples audio material from various sources, stores them on disk or tape and is then able to play them back. Everything else is just a modern description of a sampler but has nothing to do with the actual intention of sampling. For what the term “Sampler” was once used! It obviously does not mean that a Sampler is only limited to its intended purpose but its the fact that it CAN sample audio material which in turn makes it a Sampler!

I read quite a good description about this and various other “myths” about sampling in general in a german book. You can find it here if you can speak german, dunno if its also available in english:

It is only easy to call everything a sampler that can play samples, because the word is short! But the fact is: A Sampler is a device that actually samples. Everything else is a Sample Player or a Rompler. Dont always trust Wikipedia and stuff … you guys know that not everything is correct what they write :wink:

Who even gives a fuck about all that?
You said to Google the definition of sampler, I did, then you argued that the definition was wrong. Maybe not everyone agrees with your definition, but either way, for the purposes of this thread it’s just useless quibbling about semantics.

Hmm… I wonder which of these sections will get an additional entry next year :wink:

And AR’s a Drumpler IMO :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Remember Buzz Aldrin’s reaction on this statement! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

keep on dreaming dude

keep on dreaming dude[/quote]
The latest OS update is one step closer. :wink:

Jeepers, always something to yell about isn’t there.

I agree though, a sampler samples, end of. A sample playback device - like the AR - only plays them back. The key is in the actual word - sampler - lol.

So… Will every thread starting from “ELEKTRON GIEF OVERBRIDGES” reach similar levels of ridiculous quarrels over semantics or other equally pointless topics now?

For me…if you can load samples and modify their sound / length etc. like on Rytm…it’s close enough to a “sampler” and I really don’t give a f*ck about anyone elses definition of what a “sampler” is.


Mr. Smartypants

Sometimes I use the wrong word for things too.

and just to contrast what a “rompler” is

A rompler is an electronic music instrument that plays [url=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sampling_(music)”]audio samples stored in [url=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read-only_memory”]ROM chips to generate sound. In contrast to [url=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sampler_(musical_instrument)”]samplers, romplers do not record audio and have limited or no capability for generating original [url=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waveforms”]waveforms. < notice this

The term rompler is a portmanteau of the terms ROM and sampler. Both may have additional sound editing features, such as layering several waveforms and modulation with [url=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADSR_envelope”]ADSR envelopes and [url=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_frequency_oscillation”]LFOs.

You’re right. Too bad it can’t sample though.