Against the Clock Discussion

please remember that FACT shut down ATC commentary because of sexist remarks, not just the act of remarking itself. if such happened here, it’d be flagged and the mods would take care of the offenders. not so easy on YouTube.

it’s fine to voice an opinion, just keep it respectful.


There’s being an ignorant vile troll, then there’s thinking something isn’t that good or nowhere near as good as you’d hoped. Big difference


My response to Umfangs ATC video had nothing to do with her gender. All to do with the performance. The sexist remarks getting the comment section shut down on ATC was justified. I heard it had become a pretty big problem.

I’m not a fan of shutting down speech of any kind however it’s ATCs channel and their choice to remove the comment section if they deem it necessary.

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Seriously I have to be gone.

I personally don’t understand the point in releasing negativity into the world when it isnt your thing, but if yall are so compelled to do it - and you’re not contributing to making someone feel unsafe - then I’d be a hypocrite to criticize it.



So what we’re saying is that no, I’m not missing anything, the Umfang video is shit, but by pointing that out on a public forum I’ve filled the world with negativity and am basically the same as all them nasty little YouTube trolls.

Sorry about that.



It’s nice that this discussion can be had in such a civilized way :heart_eyes: and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the lack of nastiness in the comments - a few gentle stabs but nothing that feels like a true low blow. There’s hope for the internet!


FIXED :wink:

The like to dislike ratio says otherwise

Are there zero likes?

Some. With art always some as the artist likes it.

I think it’s a bit of a stretch to call someone fiddling with a drum machine for 10 minutes ‘art’.


I do get where you’re coming from I prefer to look at things in a more positive way & don’t like spreading negativity. Above I mentioned something about not really liking it, but at the same time, there are reasons for it, I don’t feel she’s a shit producer. For example if the dr202 wasn’t acting up, she would’ve had more time to lay other elements down.

Plus some people take a long time to make a track & to them 10 minutes feels like 2 seconds.

There are so many factors to things like this.

When it comes to opinions, even tho she will probably not read any of our opinions, I still feel there is usefulness to discussions like this.

We learned the dr202 is a difficult sequencer. Everyone thinks differently & makes different points, which opens minds of others & has them see things in a different way as well (as long as the mind is open).

I even enjoy the ATC’s that I feel are not “that great”. I always find SOMETHING interesting about it.

I think opinions are good to voice, I like listening/reading other peoples opinions. Freedom of speech & all that :blush:

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I posted that San Proper video above not for all to laugh at, but to ENJOY!

I enjoyed it. The ‘Artist’ seems to be enjoying himself. … And probably doesn’t give a fuck about what others think, otherwise he would’ve sorted out his sample library, plugged in his microphone and tuned his bass.

It’s Fun right? Some of those ‘Producers’ take those damn 10 minutes far too seriously. Its not a competition.

After watching the Butthole Surfers live in '87 … it totally changed how I perceive what a performance could be.

After watching the Velvet Underground in '93 . . . it put me off them for good!


“Against the Naught”

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But it is directly connected to her art, so does that make it art?

Giving an honest opinion is not negative in my book. As long as it’s not rude. If we all would only spread fully positive remarks the world would be a very very boring place.

For umfang this won’t have a negative effect. Probably quite the contrary. And it’s probably something that has learned her a lot. So that’s pretty positive on itself.

Oh, and don’t ever visit The Netherlands if you can’t handle honesty. :wink:


I’m a female & stated I didn’t care for Umfangs too much. Honestly I feel like people expect LESS from women, so if a woman produces something even halfway decent I would see it getting more praise than criticism. I also think people generally think women are more sensitive & maybe don’t want to hurt feelings.

I’m speaking generally, I know everyone doesn’t feel that way. It just SEEMS that way from my experience. I do a lot of male dominant activities & when I am just as good as the boys or even better than the boys people think of it as a big deal. Like it’s impressive because I am a female.


Feels like a no win, sometimes.


I didn’t feel compelled to post criticism, negative or otherwise. I merely asked if it was just me that thought it was shit, mostly out of curiosity. My curiosity has been rewarded with a lively debate about art criticism and some education about old boss drum machines.

It feels to me like you’re trying to shoehorn a bit of identity politics in here where it doesn’t belong. That sort of thing belongs in the YouTube comments debated earlier in this very same thread.


I dont see how gender matters in music making. Hell some of the best electronic producers who ever lived were trans.

I really wish we could get past the point where everything is filtered through the lens of gender oppression or whatever. That applies to the people who cant help but be sexist as well as to the people who think its everyone else thats sexist (couldnt possibly be them, no way)

Women and men are both equally capable of producing shit music. Its not because of their gender

Btw: i am officially giving my consent for anyone to call my music shit. I welcome it in fact. So you dont need to ask me beforehand. Youre welcome


I was more sad about seeing that Boss groove box working. I miss mine, got it out of storage last month and the screen has gone sadly . Was a fun little box with the acid bass line to jam with , had some cool presets in it.

I don’t think it was as a bad as many are going on about and she seems a nice person . No bad publicity etc as it made me check out her work and have DL’d some of her tunes now

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