Ableton product speculation

Live 10 was announced just before Loop 2017, not during the conference.

Well they announce new stuff around their Loop event and everybody expects it, just as NI is expected to drop new around beginning of september.

Wellā€¦ as an audio interface, my TR8S has less hiccups than my MOTU 828mk2.

I agree. A full-fledged Live on iOS.

Designer here. Iā€™ve always been on the fence with the iPad Pro capabilities. But the last Apple keynote just got me thinking this is it, itā€™s happening. The new iPad Proā€™s show benchmarks comparable to the Macbook Pros 2018. Itā€™s only a matter of time. Whoā€™s DAW maker gonna shoot first.

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That Apple keynote was the first in years to get me proper excited. I noted above the geekbench results which are very impressive. And with the way apples environment works (and already does with Garageband) weā€™re getting mighty close to a world where you can work on you iPad DAW which would automatically sync your set/track with your home pc.

I fully expect that this time next year weā€™ll have something seriously impressive DAW-wise on ipad

There is still a quite serious limitation for pro tools on IOS: RAM. Even with the new iPad Pro 2018 almost all models max out at 4 GB (6 GB only available in the most expensive ones).

And 6 GB is still quite restrictive for the kind of projects you can realize (think of resolution and layer limits in image processing or the usage of larger multisample libs in a DAW).

Of course it is possible, but it will not be the full experience like on a laptop (or even on a surface pro). IMHO it will still take at least a few generations (/years) until then.

I do see a Live on IOS coming before any standalone hardware box. They could use ableton link perfectly and have a seamless second screen or controller in addition to something like Korg gadget.

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Well that 3GB photoshop file with an impressive resolution and over 100 layers still worked somehow. Maybe the 4GB RAM cap isnā€™t as prohibitive as one thinks? I mean, I remember running Pro Tools on an old mac running OS 7.1 when I was starting my audio engineering career and I am absolutely sure it didnā€™t have 4GBs of RAM.

When it comes to ā€œproā€ usage a 3 GB photoshop file is quite on the low end and from a usage perspective: undo-buffers eat up also quite a large chunk of RAM while working (nothing what you will see in these kind of presentations).

I also can remember using an amiga for rendering, image processing and making music, but that doesnā€™t qualify as a comparison what pro usage requires today.

BTW: pro tools nowadays has a minimum of 16 GB RAM requirement :wink:

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Iā€™m heading to Loop in LA this Friday - I canā€™t imagine theyā€™d make a product announcement as the event is more geared towards discussion of music creation but you never know.

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Iā€™ve been thinking about the 4GB as well.
I would totally agree that RAM is key to video games, that is all about optimisation and real time.
Design softwares however rely a lot on the SSD to cache the files. Enormous amounts of it. RAM not that much. The minimum requirement for PS is pretty low. You would reach your maximum layer cap faster, but the demand in real time power is less. Plus the GPUs, plus the crazy powerful graphic libraries.

For DAWs, I couldnā€™t say for sure. I donā€™t know all the intricacies. I would guess it need lots of real-time reading. But the current desktop Live requirement is not that high at 4Gb.
Iā€™d like to think itā€™s pretty close still :slight_smile:. That gonna be interesting to follow.

There will be no Ableton-Live-in-a-Box, nor Ableton-Live-(AsWeKnowIt)-on-iOS because of practical and technical reasons for the nearer future :confused:

Live-in-a-Box would need to run on their own OS (which would need to be developed, plus they would need to port their almost 20 year old Live-codebase) because they most definetely wont sell and support a Windows machine and Apple doesnā€™t license their OS. But I have a surprise for you all: Ableton Live in a box is already there, itā€™s called a laptop :wink:

I also donā€™t see them porting Live to iOS because porting it would be a very expensive undertaking just to enter an appstore where users are willing to pay 30-50$ at max(!) for a new app and Apple is taking away another 30% of it on every sale. Nah not really happeningā€¦Maybe we will see a small app sometime that can export to Live like Gadget does but nothing like Live-As-We-Know-It on iOS anytime soon :frowning:

Here is what I hope to see on this years Loop (and what is in my eyes feasible):

  • Ableton Live 10.1 big update
  • not a new Push but much improved visual feedback for all their stock devices (comparable to the Wavetable- and Echo-device at the moment)
  • hopefully a SDK/API for Push2 so that people (and plugin developers) can create their own visuals/control surfaces for Push
  • a deeper integration of their pack store into the software (like an app-store) and maybe the possibility to share MaxForLive devices with the community
  • this may be my personal pipe dream but: expanding the Link-protocol to support midi and audio-data <3

Give me nks support so I can fully ditch Maschine (and maybe Komplete Control).

Give me MPE too while youā€™re at it.

And please stop with updates that deliver wild performance changes!


Why are people talking about this? Are there any solid rumors?


Nowhere did I say anything about ā€œproā€ usageā€¦ Where is this coming from now? We all know the ā€œproā€ moniker is meaningless these days and says absolutely nothing about anything.

And rendering 320x240px MPEG video on an Amiga is not really comparable to the 1080p videos we take for granted these days. However, last time I checked, most distributed music was still 16bit 44kHz lossless PCM audio, if even thatā€¦ and for creating 16/44 PCM, even the current generation iPads do a pretty reasonable job in environments like Auria Pro.

I still use a MBP from 2011 with 4GB of RAM for my music projects. Not one person has complained to me that the equipment we use in our project studio is not ā€œprofessional enoughā€. You can have totally acceptable results without needing to have TOTL specs for everything. And I do not believe that anyone will seriously expect one to be scoring a 300+ track filmscore for a multi-million hollywood blockbuster on the new iPad just because it says ā€œproā€ on itā€¦ Cmon we need to be reasonable here.

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I love Live and my Push 2, but I 100% agree. One update is solid, the next I canā€™t even open a song file without continual crashes. Constantly rolling back to previous versions, etc. Gets really old, especially when trying to wrap up a batch of songs on an older iMac (beachball, beachball, crash, crash). :disappointed_relieved:


MPE support, please!

Obviously I want a standalone Push 3 and a Live for iOS, but those seem like dreams.

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A basic version of Live on iOS should easily be possible. I donā€™t get why Ableton has not made this yet at least as a service to their customers. The new line of iPads are so powerful and has a big beautiful screen and I believe this basic Live app would work like a breeze on it. I just downloaded Novation Launchpad for iOS and it would serve me well as a loop playback device if I had to travel lightweight/tour and wanted to just bring a Digitone and this app on my iPad. I would record all my Analog rytm beats and play them in the Launch Pad app. One could still do a great concert in this way.

I would love a Push mini. Push 2 is fantastic but too big to drop in a backpack with a laptop. Launchkey mini is decent but nowhere near as integrated, and the pots are tiny and hard to grip.

I think it could be done without hardly losing functions. Make it USB powered. Drop the footswitch connections - single USB cable only. Maybe shrink the screen size down, and show just b/w labels and values more like push 1 (saves power?). Smaller touch strip. Move some buttons around as below, and lose a few.

Iā€™d happily pay the same as a full size push for this!


The Push 2 is a number of years old now, so itā€™s interesting how there has never been a new model or an extension of the line. It makes me think that Ableton has been investigating an all-in-one hardware device with Live in it., but maybe it just doesnā€™t have the money to burn to R&D this stuff. I presume the Push has been successful, or at least put enough eyeballs on Live to be worth continuing with.