Ableton Live 11


ARA2ā€¦ nope. Dang.

wanted a new controller so I bought a used maschine mk3 yesterday. Might have had another thought if I knew about new ableton.
But well, sold three pushs, must have had a reason


itā€™s almost like they didnā€™t add morphing between macros snapshots intentionally

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I bet CC Modulation for external gear is still done outside of the timeline :frowning:

Iā€™m glad I held out of the Maschine+ Gas craze.

I love the Locks feature of Maschine. But itā€™s the only thing that keeps me going back to my MK3

Things will be different with Live 11

Tempo following is cool.
I remember I sent Ableton a suggestion of this feature ~2006ish :slight_smile:

depends on the next push.
The last one was nice but didnā€™t work for me as an away from screen, mouse and keyboard device.
The new features I like most about ableton 11 are mainly creation, creative features for idea finding but since my daily job went fulltime computer Iā€˜m not able to create on the computer alone anymore. So it would depend on how well a new push might incorporate these nice features. Donā€™t really see this happening with push 2

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I tried max for live Beatseeker with my band. Hope they improved it here, Beatseeker was not really reliable in practice

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Awesome looking update! Tons of features I wanted to see (MPE, Comping, etc). All of the macro and snap shot stuff is really the cherry on top for me. Iā€™ll be updating for sure :smiley:

Nice video with Simon Stokes demoing some of the new stuff.


Iā€™m still on Live 9. I just use it as a fancy multitrack recorder. I have zero mastering skill other than putting a limiter on the master channel. In short, Iā€™m hardly an ITB person.

That said, my desktop machine is still on High Sierra, which is now old enough that apps like Pages nag me to upgrade to Mac OS 10.15, which I guess is Catalina. From what I gather Live 10 supports Catalina, but Max4Live supports Mojave, which is older than Catalina.

So I need to upgrade the Mac OS, which in turn will lead to upgrading Live.

Hey what are the update prices for you?

For me:
from Live 10 Suite (Live user since 2003) 159ā‚¬
quite steep in my opinionā€¦

I remember the old Live 9 video and it seemed like such a leap forward - Push was announced in that video also - so if there was a new Push you think it would have dropped along with the 11 announce?

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I canā€™t find the beta version? Only for Live 10ā€¦ does anyone know how to get Live 11 beta?

Did you follow the link a screen/few seconds above ?

My guess is that Push 3 will be announced during Namm 2021 in january with a release to coincide with Ableton 11 shortly after.

We donā€™t even know it exists yet :upside_down_face:

Yes and I was already signed up to the beta program, but donā€™t see anything about Live 11 (yet?)

After I login there, it shows me a page that I am invited for the 11 beta.