Ableton Live 11

Seems Ableton are more than willing to work something out for people who recently bought Live 10:


Iā€™ve been playing with Live 11 beta all afternoon.
I think its a really good update.
thereā€™s alot more in this update (imho) than the one from 9->10

MPE support is excellent, so comp-ing.
poly pressure on the push 2 is very nice.
the new devices are not all released yet, but the ones that are very good.
and theres a lot of other small things, that are really nice (e.g. cpu monitoring)

definitely worth upgrade fee imho

16 macros, i dont think means a new push :wink:
(if there is another trade-in dealā€¦ for a push 3 thatā€™d be fine by me !)

what is nice about the new macro feature is:
a) you can make it any number from 1-16, ā€¦ so you can just have one showing if thats all you need
b) snapshots

I suspect the Push will get a few more features before official release, as there are a few new features that are not accessible from push yet.
(iirc, this happened with live 10 too)


Do you find you have to press very hard on your pads to trigger the pressure expression? I found Push 2ā€™s pads far too stiff.

yeah, they are ā€¦ i think thats probably a hardware thing.
I think pushā€™s pads are made for drummers/pad mashers that subtly. (*)

but its a nice thing for those that just have the push, perhaps will tempt musicians to seek out more expressive controllers?

Iā€™ll also say the expression editing is very quick and easy, so perhaps those entering via the piano roll, might consider using itā€¦ but guess we will see.
(beta doesnā€™t have that many mpe presets, but im sure that will also change for release)

btw: something not mentioned in feature list, external instrument has been updated to support MPEā€¦ so Live can send MPE to hardware devices (like hydrasynth)

(*) edit:
you can change this in settings a bit, and perhaps Ableton might be tempted to add a separate setting for polyat in firmware. also there is an ā€˜expressionā€™ fx that allows you to tune MPE response, so perhaps that can help out for the push.


Snapshots = elektron scenes basically - nice

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per note expression and probability , means the tech is now in ableton to potential support ā€˜per noteā€™ automationā€¦ which is an exciting thought for Elektronauts :slight_smile:

note: currently its limited to mpe and probabilityā€¦ so peraps we get this in Live 12 ?!


damn! linked editing and all that new macro stuff looks wildā€¦ could have saved so much hassle with these.

what the hell is MPE?

Midi polyphonic expressioin.

it allows (suitable) controllers to send expression (automation) per note.
so a bit like polyphonic aftertouch , if you are familar with that.
(generally mpe usually is individual note pitch (bend), pressure, timbre )

e.g. you could modulate the filter cutoff for one note of a chord.

it can lead to more natural sounds, since its not all on/off like a piano


Iā€™m stoked for comping. That something Iā€™ve hoped for just about every update.

Just preordered. Seems exciting to me.

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the one thing I was wishing for scene macros was that they could be across the whole project, so not having to select a specific track

just like scenes on the rytm, Iā€™d like a ā€œchannelā€ on ableton to be scenes, with various clips that would be toggling different parameter sets across any parameter across any channel

does this makes sense or am I missing something here?


100% understand. Wanted this for years.

There is a Max device that can do this. I canā€™t remember the name at this moment. Goes on the master channel. Really cool

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Loving the probability (hello Elektron) and scale features. Elphnt does a great job of using some of these in a workflow demonstration in the video above. Randomly generated arrangements seems very cool.

The new fx and max devices sound better than I thought they would (link will take you to the Experiment with New Devices section where you can preview some sounds).


Id recommend people in OS X check compatibility
Old one is 10.11.6

New one is 10.13 , I donā€™t think my machines are good enough to run it :frowning:

Glad to see more DAWs with MPE support!


Scales for clips is nice. I have a huge collection of scales in midi clips (scale, scale folded + chords) saved into a folders I can drag into Live.
One clip always has the notes of a scale moved before 1.1 and fold button engaged, which basically makes only the notes within the scale available in the clip.
It worked, but the new scale view is probaply much easier to use.

Looks like Iā€™ll update then :wink:


How did you sign up for the beta? I am on the list for the 10 betas but canā€™t see an option for 11ā€¦

Nothing concrete that Iā€™m aware of. I donā€™t think Ableton do teasers and I donā€™t recall any Push 1 or Push 2 leaks before they launched. Iā€™d say itā€™s highly likely thereā€™s something in the pipeline though. Push 2 just turned five years old.

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oh man I need that device! please good sir let me know if/when you remember the name
thanks! I tired with clyphx but itā€™s a bit too complicated, donā€™t wanna feel like Iā€™m programming when Iā€™m making music

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thank you!! Iā€™m gonna give it a try soon

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