Ableton Live 11

It was a quite specific issue, that also had workarounds, and I believe eventually got patched, atter the linked post below was published

“The dropouts plaguing audio interfaces on Macs with Apple’s T2 chip involve an overload of a USB bus running in the slower USB 2.0 speed, according to an Ableton-certified trainer.”


Alright, then.

Another reason I’d feel relieved if the latest Macbook Pro doesn’t have a T2 chip.

…anddd it looks like the M1 machines at least don’t have a T2 chip, because “that functionality is built into the M1”. Well, I’m sure if M1s were unusable with Ableton Live we would have heard louder complaints by now.

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The T2 “flaw” doesn’t make Ableton or audio unusable. I don’t understand your issue, or the drama?

I suggest reading the Wired article which discussed the security flaw, which apparently is unrelated to audio but still should be taken seriously by anyone considering buying a computer.

Being aware of security flaws is not “being dramatic”. It’s being an informed consumer.

Even though I intend to use my new Macbook Pro, whenever I get it, primarily for Live, and unconnected to the Internet, I still have to connect to the Internet with it from time to time do download updates, new plugins, etc.

“There are a few important limitations of the jailbreak, though, that keep this from being a full-blown security crisis. The first is that an attacker would need physical access to target devices in order to exploit them.”

“The tool can only run off of another device over USB. This means hackers can’t remotely mass-infect every Mac that has a T2 chip.”

“In this case, you’d likely have to be a very high-value target to register any real alarm.”

It has nothing to do with internet security, and unless you’re a high value target, I can’t see anyone going to the trouble of stealing your machine, and doing a rather complicated exploit.

I think you can relax :grinning:

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Oh, I’m pretty relaxed.

Were you upset by my expression of relief that the M1 does not come with a T2 chip? That seemed to have set you off.

haha, not at all, was just trying to let you know that it’s not really an issue for most people, and to not dismiss a good deal on a Mac with a T2 chip. :slight_smile:

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Well i’m certainly not doing that. I trust everyone is an adult who can make their own decision

you say the issue regarding the chip was patched?

Thanks to my recent schooling, you may have been right all along - the Touch Bar is the one to fear


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As far as I know the issue affecting internal audio was fixed, not the jailbreak vulnerability. For what it’s worth, I haven’t had any audio issues with my last 3 macs, all having the chip.

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Appleton Live 11 thread.


Oh yeah, haven’t seen Windows users weigh in.

It feels more sluggish on Windows, but I can still work so :man_shrugging:

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Yeah I will wait for the 2019 i9 to drop in second hand price. I am glad if the second hand price for that will be half of the price for new M1X. I will wait to see how much the price of the M1X will drop at the retailers. Maybe I can buy a new one. But for me its much more fun to invest in synths and outboard gear compared to paying for a new apple computer.

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I also see that the 2019 i9 have a SSD of 1TB. That will be amazing. I am so tired of having the tiny 256 GB SSD that I have now.

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I am getting audio dropouts on a final mix bounce. Have tried to load some files to RAM, used the freeze function for all CPU demanding channels, but it doesn’t work, still dropouts. Does anyone else have this issue or have a solution?

Agree… Despite being Push 3 standalone enthusiast I would better see more things implemented in P2… Still quite unfinished…

if they do a push 3 they’d probably make the push 2 still capable of doing what the v3 could do but just not in stand alone mode, win win

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