Ableton live 10

Thanks for the response. I’ve been using Max LFOs to control various parameters. It’s happened to every single lfo on every channel. Mapping settings are saved, but the destination parameters of the plugins I’m trying to control are disabled and I can no longer tweak the parameter. I could insert a new instance of each plug in, which would not be ideal, but if the settings are not saved then I’m back to square one. Not sure what I’m doing wrong.

the problem I’m having is the LFO is no longer functioning and controlling what it is mapped to perform. I expect to open the project and have the Lfo’s behave how I set them to behave. now when I reload a project all my LFOs become defunct. the destination knob of each plug in effectively stuck and no longer controlled by the lfo

I take your point about the destination control being no longer accessible once mapped, but it should still respond to the lfo settings

latest live version (10.1.41) with the included LFO (packs/core library/devices/audio effects/max audio effect/lfo) works as expected for me after save/reopen.

wondering if the problem I’m experiencing might be a Mac M1 problem

LFOs still show activity. I discovered there are a few channels that have retained their settings and are functioning fine, I have around 8 channels that are not working at all. very odd.

your help is very much appreciated. thanks for your time! I plan to run a few tests after work. at the very least I should be able to insert the same plug n and remap if necessary, thankfully the settings look to be saved on the lfo. hopefully this is a one off problem

Does anyone have any idea how I can get Live 10 to this sort of thing? Basically to act like an MPC. I’ve been using Live since 2004 and have never been able to set how long clips should record before recording the clips. I don’t understand why this functionality isn’t easier to obtain. I could do it with Push but don’t own a Push anymore. Looks like he’s doing it with an Akai LPD8. Still, no matter what midi controller I’m using (OP-1 at the moment), there’s a step or a setup I’m missing.