A4 + Rytm update prospects?


I see.



Analog rytm has ratchet. Itā€™s the rtrg button.


moan? this has nothing to do with moaning. these are speculations and wishes. Both synths are great and personally Iā€™m relatively happy with them. elektron offers surprise updates from time to time, so you can hope and speculate with the community - what else is the purpose of the forum here!? better not be so pessimistic :wink:

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Calm down dear.

I was taking the piss.


oh yes. That is the thing I wish most. SY Raw on AR!

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Has anyone asked elektron? Just throwing that suggestion out there.


Iā€™m guessing they would neither confirm nor deny

But go for it ā€“ thereā€™s certainly no harm in trying


Please report back what they say.

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That was I @Sleepyhead. And yes, it did sound optimistic, he said that could be a software fix that could be implemented. I do not recall the name but it was optimistic.

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I asked last Xmas about second LFO on rytm. They werenā€™t able to give any info but did say about always trying to align certain features across the range.
We saw this with things like trig preview coming to OT. So it seems plausible rytm might at least get second LFO?


I mean a lot of those features - second LFO, 2 envelope types, bandpass/base-width filter - had been requested here long before the ST. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s straight up plagiarismā€¦.but do the right thing here E :wink:


I remember nowā€¦ really hope this will happen one of these days.

If it does, Iā€™ll probably sell some stuff to order a second ARmk2, just to make sure I can make beats on this thing for the rest of my life, even if my first one ever breaks.

For me it now both the fastest, the best sounding and nicest machine to work on. I currently have my old mpc2kxl setting next to it on my desk, and even though working on the mpc is second nature after many years of using it, Iā€™m way quicker slicing and aranging samples on the AR. On top of that, theres so many ways to shape/destroy sounds on the AR, and the amazing sequencer and some analog mono synths all within one box. Just love this machine. I really started to appreciate it for what it is after realising its not (just) a drum machine, but a sampler with analog signals paths.


Let them make some money on the side while they work on our wishes^^


Weā€™re owed a taste.

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Honestly, if getting the MKIIs up to the same features as several of the Digi boxes isnā€™t possible with existing hardware, Iā€™d be happy for a MKIII with more horsepower and a slightly increased feature set.

Then people can decide what those features are worth to them

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@Octagonist just posted this in another threadā€¦

This sounds like at least some kind if firmware update is coming, lets just hope itā€™s a great one!


Exciting!!! I knew they wouldnā€™t let us down!


I just hope they take the opportunity to quietly remove the ā€œepicā€ and ā€œfailā€ tags