A4 gives me electrical shock

Hm, i got a new couch and found out that it powers me up when sitting a bit on it. I was shocking my playstation a lot, so i got into the behavior of touching the metal on the lamp to discharge myself before touching anything electrical first. Its funny t i got used to it in like 2-3 days.

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I guess it doesn’t really bother the others posting in this thread with the same issue with the replies I’m getting. Perhaps I’m being strange not wanting to have a live case on a synth :joy:
Still no response from Elektron to discuss since the first reply either.
Time to sell the A4 make a loss and give up


If you own an A4 please try something for me and let me know whether you experience it too.

I have noticed that if my arm rests on the top left hand corner of the A4 i get an electric shock/burn… Happens every time my arm rests there. There is a visible mark left from this.

I believe the charge is coming directly from the top corner pictured below.

no shock here with my unit, although I think can feel a slight tingling sensation…

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You should definately get in touch with Elektron Support. Not normal!


Thanks… I had assumed a number of people would have likely experienced it.

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Will do! I’d be interested to hear their response.

there already is one listed above :thup:

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no worries. I sometimes get shocked by my A4 as well - at the moment I have dealt with it by all my Elektron boxes on an angled stand so that I can’t touch those corners anymore. Not a very sophisticated solution, but the cheapest for now.

Did this ever get resolved?

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I got shocked a couple times on my arm from one of my Elektrons, lol. It shocked me again today and felt like a bee sting! :honeybee:

I get these shocks too. from the upper corners.
it happens once in a while, can’t really say when.
it’s never so strong, it’s pretty subtle…
you get like a tingling sensation…
i love it :slight_smile:

I have electrical shocks only when I’m licking it. :loopy:


NO IT IS NOT STATIC, it was a full jolt of AC power .

I just had the same, and some smaller ones before that I wondered was that a shock?

YES IT BLO0DY IS , touch the power lead and speaker out rear with each hand left and right , ful on AC electric shock.

its where the paint is thinest , if you touch the exposed metal one both sides you will get a nasty shock . DONT!

The A4 is DC powered: 12 Volts, 2 Amps!


The ‘tingle’ being felt is current finding its way to earth through the user’s body. Something is inducing current in the case of the A4.

Something is not right either in the power supply or bad earthing or a combination.

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It’s called Elektron for a reason. The zaps are just part of their USP. I mean PSU… :crazy_face::zap:

But jokes aside, what is the solution to this? And could these kinds of shocks be dangerous? I get them too sometimes on my A4, top left corner. What are the health risks here?

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