I was playing with my A4 and my arm touched the corner of the machine, this happen because the power supply isn’t grounded right?
happens to me often, but only on the back panel corners
how to avoid that?
Prolly just static if you got carpet
Or maybe you were making a powerful sequence !
Good, so I’m not imagining that. You also might get some hum when not touching the front-panel.
As the power supply of the A4 is not grounded per se, try to reverse the plug in your outlet.
yeah I get that too…
I also can crash my A4 via the USB port… if it’s connected to my MBAir there seems to be some kind of not-good thing going on with the electrical ground… wiggling the USB connector on the A4 side can cause some audio crackle on the headphone output, and make the unit freeze.
Every metal surface in my house gives a shock this time of the year. Sweaters, carpet, dry weather, movement… About once a week my wife and I are surprised by a shock while kissing. Totally worth it.
That’s fascinating! I just love that
here’s the link http://www.hp-gramatke.net/history/english/page4000.htm
If you can reproduce being shocked by the A4 several times it’s not static from carpets or the like.
Indeed, I too get shocked by the A4 and OT if my arm connects with the corners of the boxes. It’s not a big shock, but it certainly isn’t static, as I can repeat it it anytime anywhere, and it lasts as long as my arm is in contact. There is no discharge per say, just current going through me.
Thankfully it’s not strong enough to be too annoying.
What’s going on there ?
It’s Elektron HQ sending messages directly into your brain. The black coating of the newer boxes was designed to help facilitate the neural connection. It’s not all marketing messages, they also send messages of musical inspiration and goodwill towards all living things.
it was happening to me as well with most of the machines connected to the power socket but it disappeared after a while when the house was then properly re-grounded
so i guess that’s most probably due to some grounding issues (if it’s something like secretmusic described) … check if that happens with other devices as well (used to have the same effect even when i touched my laptop … after the re-grounding work it’s now gone )
You can try using a power strip with a three prong connector to your wall. It might help.
Sweet, thanks man
I’m in the UK with 3 prong connectors & I’ve never experienced it!
If you connect a wire from the chassis, (or tape it to the ground of a jack), with other end connected to a radiator or metal pipe does it stop doing it?
Any machine that ever gives me a shock will be swiftly crushed with a sledgehammer
Bad Robot …but it hurts too good!
Ouch! what the heck, lol just happened to me.