A Song For Fin25

oh my

my oh my

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So I got an automated warning that I am “almost out of likes to give” for the day. is this a thing? on this forum? the “like police” draw an a line through your heart if you support the community too much in one day?

coincidentally the title of this thread is relatively hilarious even if it’s not the intent. It’s like a romantic power ballad. grabs your by the hair bones and shakes you til you drop whatevers in your mouth

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Wow really? If this is true, I would think I would have surely been :broken_heart: many times. Elektron should fix this IMO.

I have so much :purple_heart: to give.

Has Elektron lost it’s :heart: in 2023?

I was “pop up’d”, it was like an automation where my screen turned dark and a window notified me, like they turned my volume levels down and whispered in my ear “it’s a u87, you don’t have to be so loud when you talk into it” then brought my levels back up and acted like nothing happened.

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I thought the title was appropriate, but I have to admit, I chuckled a bit as I did it. I love this forum and I love heart bombing everything that is awesome here. I love that this thread went into shit humor and is now somewhere completely philosophical in many ways.


LIKE POLICE BE DAMNED. TIL THE WATER RUNS DRY boyz 2 men dr evil voice under the breath voice

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Dying :joy: ahhh :sob:

“Don’t even say I love you no more!”

“I’ll eat what you want me to eat…”


like you announce “and now, a song for fin 25” and some guy in a vest takes off his cap and puts it against his chest and starts an irish traditional song


This song was composed entirely on the Elektron Model Samples. It was routed into a cheap mixer with some heavy compression and light saturation. The stereo mix from the headphone output was also routed through a cheap Bitcrusher/Filter pedal (Hotone Krush) and into the DL4 MKII for reverb/distortion/delay.

TLDR: Made on M:S w/FX


have you done a lot of ms only production?

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Yes actually. A lot of the stuff on my SoundCloud is MS only. Visitor and Grinder to name a few. A lot more finished pieces on the MS coming that are in the machine but not recorded yet.

Edit: I also bring in the Model Cycles, Empress Zoia, Nord Drum 3P, Moog Werkstatt, KP3, and more in to the party on occasion but I love to do MS or MC only pieces.

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where cunst one find the link to thems?

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I remember watching about 5 minutes of this before I had to turn it off. Too infuriating.

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It was a tough watch for sure. But I couldn’t look away.

Edit: If I had kids though, I don’t know that I could have watched it. It made me want to warn @Scot_Solida before burning the state of Kansas to the ground.

Edit 2: I cried multiple times.

And I still think about the little girl who I took the “dancing for the flesh” sample from all the time. I hope she’s stripping now and feels no shame about it. Or at least dancing occasionally and enjoying herself whilst doing so.


Yeah the 1984 film. I’ve not seen the remake (I wasn’t even aware there had been a remake!). I’m not a big film buff but I had a small collection of Stephen King films such as Carrie and Christine that I’d recorded off the TV

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It’s the programs way of telling you to get off social media and go outside and play.


oh my insides

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See here :wink: