A Song For Fin25

The recent @shigginpit post about our usernames led me to a post about our Artist names and I re-read @Fin25’s story about how he chose the name No Masters. I had recently pulled a bunch of samples from the disturbing documentary Jesus Camp. Many of them were samples of this psychotic preacher lady who only preaches sermons to children in Kansas. I was making this chill-hip-hop/downtempo beat today and stumbled upon a sample that made it sound really sad and mournful. I paired it with the psycho priest lady leading children in a chant of, “Ill do what you want me to do (repeated), Ill say what you want me to say (repeated)” and on the alt part, I put a sample of her saying, “Hallelujah,” and brought the vocal samples in and out of the mix. I thought the name No Masters would be perfect for the song, so I decided to dedicate it to @Fin25, since it is inspired by his name and profile picture here. I hope you all like it as much as I do.


Love it.


That means a lot to me. Thank you.


This is going to give me Children of the Corn nightmares, bravo!

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Great film


the first one? with linda evangelista from terminator? literally childhood nightmares

was this something on netflix?

You mean Linda Hamilton.


I’m not sure if it’s on Netflix. I think I watched it on Tubi. But you can see it free with ads on YouTube here:

Edit: There’s tons of sampling gold in this film.

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yes, her too. of the corn

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I actually have at least three songs coming that use samples from this film. One is called Dancing For The Flesh, one is called Warlocks, and No Masters here.

The Warlocks one is gonna be crazy. It’s the same psychotic lady yelling “Warlocks are enemies of God!” and “You don’t make heroes out of Warlocks!” Like we have a huge Warlock problem or something, lol.



that’s gonna be ripe

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I am way too excited about it. It’s the darkest thing I’ve ever done and it’s got Lil Jon samples, lol.

Tight! Or not so tight, rather… it’s so loose it sounds like it’s floating apart but all strung together with sinew taken from knees shredded by prayer. Great feel on the drums, like a worn belt on the turntable. Good stuff!


Wow! Thank you so much! Coincidentally, I absolutely love your Violent Meals name story.

Edit: Also, your feedback is incredibly poetic.

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Aww shucks

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I’ve had three curries this weekend.

Ripe is very much the word.

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If you go to the SC page or if you have a better browser than I, you can also see the Pitbull watercolor art I snagged from google images. It looked similar to Fin’s profile picture to me so I snagged it.

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Lol, I think he was talking about my sample extraction mp3, but thanks for sharing Fin!

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Not what my wife and kids said.