<3 model:cycles thread

…for anyone who has doubts in cycles…

check on the one machine only clips on insta/fb…
listen to this…and then realize…this swedish model is not only ugly…it’s mindblowing!!!

it has such a unique sonic signature of it’s own…it’s uncomparable…
i was blown away by the samples version for it’s workflow hands on realtime approach…
which is the same on cycles of course, but here, it makes even more sense and fun…
taming fm down into dedicated machines is not limiting at all…it frees ur musical mind…
always apreciated elektron for their serious musical thinking…
but holy fuk…now i’m a just another fan boy…
i love the tone…even wanna have a keys version soonish…
but cycles…might even kick the a4 from my personal top fav position of electrinc music INSTRUMENTS…it’s all about unique sonic results…and damn, this ugly plastic monsta is doing ALL the trick for me…


I bought this little speaker for mine :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


nice write-up video on percussion and was not only surprised but happy as well knowing that its finding its place amongst other great machines.


Cool video. I like the comparisons and the idea that while one thing might sound cool in isolation it’s got to gel nicely with what’s going on around it. Getting my M:C tomorrow, fingers crossed. It’s just left the sorting office in the town over from me, so I’m hopeful. In Malta, the town over literally means down the street. Gimme my box!


Nice! Are you planning on pairing it with the M:S?

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Hell no. (No offence to M:S users). This will strictly be M:C into DN stand-alone type of thing for jamming, or else from M:C into DN then into OT or Ableton Live via OB for more complex stuff. I really can’t wait to get going with it. I’ve wanted this setup for 2 months and it’s been killing me waiting while I have all this spare time haha!


Yeah I think the model:cycles might be putting up a fight for my current favorite instrument even though it is less flexible than my other gear… it made me sort of have a bit of a revaluation of how I play. I used to sort strive for a 2/3 box at the same time minimal set up, but now I am more thinking have 2/3 boxes but only preform 1 at a time. Been getting so much out of model cycles on its own, re inspired me to work with digitakt on its own and now Pro2 on its own. Nice when the new piece of kit pushes you to use your old gear in new ways… can’t deny I am really happy with working with gear in a more solo mindset and embracing the limits. We will see if it lasts I suppose.


I don’t own the M:S but I’m on the fence about getting one. After working with M:C I realize I actually like the layout and quality of build. The sound is incredible as well. You’ll love it for sure.


I am enjoying the sound of the kicks and basses I get out of it. The envelope on the kick machine just makes it always sound “right”.

The basses are punchy, with high fidelity and a load of character.

Been pairing mine with AK and the two sound real good together.


I’m still enjoying my M:C a great deal. The sound quality is really good and it’s fun to use. Best $299 I’ve spent in a very long time :slight_smile:


I’ve had the m:c for a few weeks now and I’m absolutely loving it. It’s my first piece of Elektron gear so there has been a bit of a learning curve but not as much as I expected.
Depending on the style of music you could certainly play a set with it standalone.
I’m impressed with the sound quality, it’s that magical sweet spot between polished and grimy. When I get new gear I like to go through a “getting to know you” phase where I make patterns with no forethought and see where the machine takes me. Interestingly, the m:c has led me to make stuff with a trip hop/ witch house sort of vibe.
It feels like a keeper to me. It pairs beautifully with my trusty ER1 and the evolver. I’m just starting to run it through effects which is really making me wish it had more outs. It takes to compression really well.
My only gripe so far is the lack of outs. Much like the ER1, individual outs would’ve brought it to a whole new level.
As with nearly all gear, I worry about the build quality but only time will tell if that’s up to snuff.


Have any of you Model:Cycles lovers also had a Machinedrum? I use an Octatrack and MDUW+ in my live setup along with a couple other synths and it’s sometimes a bit much to keep track of it all. I’ve been wondering if the M:C might help me simplify a bit. Clearly they are quite different but I’m wondering if the FM sound engines are comparable?

I end up using the sine machines on the MD a lot along with amplitude modulation so I imagine the 2op FM engine of the M:C would be similar. How do the kicks compare? My general impression from demos is that the MD is grittier (which I like) but since I’d be running it into the OT I could always add grit after the fact.

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It’s hard to compare the two because the MD is a full fledged work station on its own and the M:C is a focused little FM groove box. The M:C does have a great sound, I especially love the kick and perc machines. The MD will definitely produce a more cracking snare and traditional hats. The M:C will give you a subdued snare and hat combo, that being said all the sounds always mesh very well coming out of the M:C.
You’ll be giving up a lot if you replace the MD for the M:C but the M:C can be very versatile. The chromatic abilities on the M:C will allow you to play melodies and bass lines that are harder to produce on the MD. Personally I’ll rather perform live with OT/M:C only because it’s less stressful and a lighter setup. You could always sample the MD and leave it in your studio.


Thought the title said motorcycles and got excited :motorcycle:


Thanks for the reply. Yeah I would definitely be giving up a lot by switching the MD for the M:C but I do find using the OT and MD at the same time to be overwhelming. Honestly, I don’t use 1/4 of the MD’s capabilities when I’m using it on its own, much less when playing live with the OT.

Nice tip about the hats/snares; I love the hats I can get on the MD so I’d miss those for sure. Good thing I have a sampler :slight_smile:

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Yea you can’t go wrong with M:C, but I wouldn’t sell the MD.

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Do you need to use 100% of the MD’s capabilities? Use it as much as a project dictates. If that’s the same loop over and over, so be it. I feel people fall into a trap thinking they have to use all the functions of a box just because they’re there.


That’s a good point. Maybe I should limit myself to 6-8 tracks with the MD and see how that feels for a while.

I still like the idea of the M:C for live use but, let’s be honest, it’s going to be a while before I start playing live again.

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Just stumbled upon this Model:Cycles, and I must say it’s one of the best performance of this machine I’ve heard. (Granted I didn’t see a lot of said performances though).


All this M:C talk has me working hard onm MnM, using the fm machines to make percussion sounds. Not at all simple, but I’m working with what I have. I just got a surprising stimulus check, but really glad the M:C’s are out of stock everywhere :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:, cuz learning the MnM fm machines is confusing, endless fun.