1010music Bluebox

In the end they haven’t made the cut. The bluebox i send back not long after I got it. The blackbox i still have but i came up with a setup that doesn’t need a looper and that was its main purpose for me.

The reason i send the blue box back was simply because after theory crafting everything into detail, it turned out to not be as hands on and direct as I’d hoped using a midi controller to control channels and eq etc. Plus, at first the amount of in/outs came just too short. Then, as I made the setup simpler, it didn’t really matter anymore which mixer i used (thus putting a Xone 96 on my rider is sufficient).

So basically they are not working out :). Mainly because after bringing back the setup to as small a setup as possible they weren’t adding anything. The lemondrop is still part of the setup and will be for a long time i think.


Thanks for your insights! I think the Bluebox would be a set-it-and-forget-it affair for me, after getting the levels set up ideally shouldn’t have to fiddle with it much. The Blackbox I’m still learning, trying to see if it’s an adequate replacement for the SP-16. In some ways it’s not… but obviously has its own advantages.

And the Lemondrop… man, that was a total surprise. Probably the most sound quality per square inch of footprint, ever? Can make massive patches out of whatever you put into it, sometimes rivaling soundscapes that I used to make on the Wavestation. A future classic IMO.


Haha yeah must be. It’s pretty incredible! :slight_smile: Lovely for weird textures and pads…great reverb in it as well


I sold my Bluebox as well. Turns out the blackbox is a better fit for me. I basically sample everything with it, especially other samplers. It is much faster for me than sampling into a DAW, chopping, saving at a specific format, arranging the files…etc. It also loops perfectly so that pretty much rules for hardware sampling.

My opinion is the Blackbox is not a replacement for the Sp16. More of a compliment to it. I much prefer to compose my tracks on the SP using samples that I have collected on the Blackbox.


having an MPC One that would benefit greatly from being able to route the USB audio multitrack channels into a class-compliant multi-channel mixer, the Bluebox would be a no-brainer for me . . . if it could actually do that (my understanding is that it currently cannot)

MK2 is the time to shine for all products. I’m hoping for a proper MK2 of the BlueBox myself. Why 1010 didn’t make it a USB compliant audio interface out of the gate is just mind numbingly bizarre to me.

The TX-6 from TeenageEngineering gave them a proper kick in the rear i hope of what kind of features people truly need.

Ho hum…back to sequencing on tiny Deluge pads i go :wink: but not too “tiny” :crazy_face:

I don’t think 1010 seem that interested in adding many additional features to Bluebox based on the number of feature requests on the forum and the very few, mostly only bugfix updates. I’m only guessing but I think it isn’t a big seller so not a priority for them maybe?

The irony is that with a bit more of a comprehensive feature set it would probably sell more units. As it stands it is ok, but it could be essential kit for many users with a few refinements. I guess maybe everyone wants something different from it though, so maybe that is the problem. For me a bit of audio editing, copy/paste etc would be enough to make it much more useful, but maybe it is thought that this would affect Blackbox sales.

This message is sponsored by maybe. :laughing:


Well they implemented a quadraphonic delay earlier this month


(haven’t had the chance to try it yet, though)


I know nothing about the bluebox…one quick question though. Can I plug in my Take5, record to a track and then rout my input to another track, switch up the preset on the T5, and record to that other track while hearing the 1st track I recorded using a different preset???


You sure can.

An example would be
Connect audio to physical input 1/2 on the Bluebox
Set track 1 to inputs 1/2 and record your first part on track1
Change your preset
Rewind blue box to the start
Set track 2 to inputs 1/2 and record your second part to track 2

This is how I work.


Has anyone here reverted to the 1.2.6 firmware? I read on MW that’s it’s the most stabile. Can anyone comment about any key improvements that version is missing vs what came after?

Quick Bluebox setup question. I"m kind of a noob with these things.

Can I send 4 input tracks to the OUTPUT 2. That output 2 will go into my RC 505 looper and the Looper will output into the 5th bluebox input and want that sent to the main output. I assume that is easy, just wanted to make sure it’s possible.



Yep, totally possible :+1:t4:

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Anyone know of any other options competing with the Bluebox, either currently available or in the pipeline?

I think it’s such a cool device, love the form factor and a lot of what it offers, but there are a few drawbacks that keep me from pulling the trigger, especially the lack of class compliance.

I would have thought this thing would have created a new category of similar devices but everytime I search I don’t see anything remotely like it, especially in terms of form factor.


Checkout Zoom and Tascam - they have some mixers that can record as well. Not as compact though…



I like the Tascam 16 channel mixer recorder since I’ll need another larger mixer recorder soon.

Oto Bébé Chérie ?

Interesting, thanks.

TX-6 by teenage engineering
It’s over 2x the price and way smaller, both bad things to me
But if your issue was the lack of audio interface, this has that covered


Hello! Rn I make music on Octatrack, other Elektron gear plus several other synths and grooveboxes usually 3-4 at a time. I have a Clarett interface and a small Mackie Mix12FX mixer. What do you think is a 1010 Blue Box purchase a good one? My desk space is also limited a bit, but I like the form factor in general.