0-coast vs. Mother32 vs. Pittsbugh Sv1

Once you start with a (euro)rack your money is gone :grin:


donā€™t rule out the SE Tonestar. Lots of tricks up its sleeve when patching it ā€œwrongā€.

Sub OSC helps for bass work.

Got me a M32ā€¦what a sound !!! If you in need for clonky fm techno baselines (old Regis,Female and the rest of Downwards crew), the Mother is your friend.

Downside isā€¦iā€™m about to built me a DIY case and with arms wide open Iā€™m looking forward to get addicted to eurocrack.

Fugg it, you only got this 1 lifeā€¦


Well said :slight_smile:

Actually, this Rheyne channel just wow . I love his stuff. Now I want to pair the Mother and the 0-coast :sweat: :grinning:

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I had the M32 for about half an hour before deciding the Monotribe had it all covered, although I really gelled with the Sequencer and the assignable output. Obviously I explored it for about a week but found myself wishing for X too much. Felt very limited on itā€™s own, for me at least.

Got shot of the Moog and bought a second 0-Coast!

I personally like the 0-Coast because it is different to everything else and it feels fresh. Itā€™s so much fun to gradually realise that it is pure genius and so well thought out it should be illegal. Best thing on the market, in any price range for moi!

I looked into the PM SV-1 but since itā€™s essentially subtractive I lost interest, I need something more now. Iā€™ve done that to death.
Donā€™t get me wrong itā€™s nice and all but Iā€™ve had lots of gear and now Iā€™m looking for things that offer more exploration or nutty sounds.

0-Coast will keep the imaginative patching for years, on itā€™s own. Add to it either cv or midi and you are going to die not having tried everything!

BTW 0-Coast has just had an update, various midi bits and also now an M4L patch to program the midi side.

I must point out Iā€™ve not been near the midi side yet as I still have too much to try stand alone or with cv!


Yeah man! Join the Krellā€¦

I think I might have toā€¦ Forbidden Planet was always a favourite film, so Iā€™ll also have to watch that again now.

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The 0-Coast is really interesting to me, I think the design is clever and unique and the more I see of it the more I get excited about its possibilities. Fresh is a good word. Definitely on my shopping list for next year.

The M32 and SV1 sound lovely but are in a more conventional vein (albeit with loads of possibilities of their own of course).

Loved this video from MakeNoise about oscillator sources and patching to mix up whatā€™s control and whatā€™s signal:


At the moment Iā€™m tending towards the 0-coast. Itā€™s just something I never had, and the demo sounds are really unusual and fresh. I think it would be great to pair those two (with mother). However I planned to buy also a polysynth in this price range, something with nearly knob/function, because it happens quite often that Iā€™m not in the mood for the A4 display and menues. Now the Roland System 1m comes to mind. Could be a great partner to the 0-coast as well and lets me programm some pads if needed. I know itā€™s VA, but I listened to pretty great sounding demos. Anyone thoughts on this?? Thanks.

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I think it would partner the 0-Coast really well. I have a System-1 and it does sound great IMO. I love making patches on it, itā€™s very fast and rewarding. Does not sound ā€˜digitalā€™ at all.

It only has four-note polyphony and then only in the native engine mode, all the plug-outs are monosynth repros. But you can certainly make some nice analogue-style pads. And they added a bunch of crazy oscillators in a software update, it does (a form of) FM now and a voice/formant thing etc.


Thanks. Yes I saw that. Crossmod, Ringmod as well. Looks really versatile. And it seems to have good sounding effects. I have no problem with 4 note polyphony.


Yes I think that video in particular blew a few minds, there is something so versatile about the 0C.
I truly hope MN release another minimonster in a few years time.
Iā€™m kind of glad Iā€™m potless as every time I see these in stock I fantasise about adding another, and another.

Sometimes I just pick mine up and walk round the house with it in my hand so I can look at it with a different backdrop, Iā€™m so in love :heart:ļø


The effects arenā€™t bad but you donā€™t have a huge amount of control over them. The reverb is quite ā€œwashyā€ if that makes sense? Itā€™s nice to have, but it definitely has a certain sound. Delay is totally fine though, time and amount, what more do you need? :wink:

The bitcrusher is very digital, unsurprisingly, but it is what it is, sometimes itā€™s what you want. Though you can internally overdrive the oscillators quite easily actually, if you whack their levels up, and itā€™s a nice analogue sounding crunch, that is definitely usable.

Ok. Usually my sounds go through one of the valhalla reverbs in the end. I love these plugins so much. But onboard reverb is always a nice thing to have.

Whilst the 0 Coast does sound fresh and unique, the sounds donā€™t trigger any emotion in me.

Admittedly Iā€™m forever stuck in 93/94 techno mode, so the M32 is pure magic to my ears.


I had the chance to play around with a 0 coast a few weeks ago and I wasnā€™t to impressed with the build quality.

Itā€™s a cool piece of kit though.

I can imagine people getting excited by the Ocoast, to me it doesnā€™t gave me any surprises.
Fun to play, yes.
A few years ago it would make me enthousiastic too, if you want these type of soundsā€¦ get a real modular and configure your own set with more freedom of patching.
But again, this box is a nice teaser.

For sure itā€™s modular lite but I think thatā€™s partly what appeals to me. Not too much to get bogged down in. Or too much expense.