What's next for Elektron?

and the winner is @sazi for his April January '17 submission :dizzy_face:


And for the prize, a holiday to Sweden where you will have a candlelit dinner for 2 with cenk himself! Congratulations!


That sounds like a prize for me instead :loopy:


What a gent. You’re a lucky man @sazi


but will we have a Digitone Keys and AK II double release? :wink:

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I´ll have to share the credit with @Jensu who posted this image. :slight_smile:


So, a rumored trademark of a name based on a 100 year old Danish etiquette book apparently relates the DT to the possible new but still imaginary :elmm: thingy. :thinking:
It must be true!


Definitely not interested in any more monophonic things.

Me neither… I feel already satisfied in that department :slight_smile:


Better get that polyphonic MIDI sequencer out or my money is going to Squarp!

Second best, I would settle for a polyphonic wavetable synth with the full Elektron sequencer though, just add a pitch bender or some sort of pressure sensitive expression control.
PS and of course: chords on the step sequencer, with scales.


I can see you and them trying to get me hooked on that eurocrack

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No, definitely not promoting eurorack.
I tried that path, decided I like complete instruments where the patching was designed a specific way.
Eurorack reminded me of what it was to have an HO scale train obsession.
Collecting tiny, expensive, well built things for my nerd lair.


Yeah I think I have enough cables and I like saving sounds. All that’s needed now really apart from a hardware MIDI sequencer is a next-level controller for VST synths, with a big hi-res screen, and 16 knobs & buttons. :sunglasses:

I dont have a digitakt, I have no idea

I always hear the complaint that for midi the 4 notes that the elektron sequencers provides doesn’t count as polyphonic. It’s been enough for me though

You should though- it’s tiny form factor combines the satisfaction of making “sick beats” with the heartwarming element of petting a kitten.

10/10- would pet again!

Digitone is going to sell loads I’m sure. A lot of people are in the market for a high quality synth in that form factor.

[assuming we’re all correct here]


PLEASE make hi-grade gold plated carbon fiber Elektron MIDI/TS cables!!! :star_struck:

DT’s look fun, but I got 3 kittens already making sick beats

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