What's next for Elektron?

Definitely not interested in any more monophonic things.

Me neither… I feel already satisfied in that department :slight_smile:


Better get that polyphonic MIDI sequencer out or my money is going to Squarp!

Second best, I would settle for a polyphonic wavetable synth with the full Elektron sequencer though, just add a pitch bender or some sort of pressure sensitive expression control.
PS and of course: chords on the step sequencer, with scales.


I can see you and them trying to get me hooked on that eurocrack

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No, definitely not promoting eurorack.
I tried that path, decided I like complete instruments where the patching was designed a specific way.
Eurorack reminded me of what it was to have an HO scale train obsession.
Collecting tiny, expensive, well built things for my nerd lair.


Yeah I think I have enough cables and I like saving sounds. All that’s needed now really apart from a hardware MIDI sequencer is a next-level controller for VST synths, with a big hi-res screen, and 16 knobs & buttons. :sunglasses:

I dont have a digitakt, I have no idea

I always hear the complaint that for midi the 4 notes that the elektron sequencers provides doesn’t count as polyphonic. It’s been enough for me though

You should though- it’s tiny form factor combines the satisfaction of making “sick beats” with the heartwarming element of petting a kitten.

10/10- would pet again!

Digitone is going to sell loads I’m sure. A lot of people are in the market for a high quality synth in that form factor.

[assuming we’re all correct here]


PLEASE make hi-grade gold plated carbon fiber Elektron MIDI/TS cables!!! :star_struck:

DT’s look fun, but I got 3 kittens already making sick beats

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If they announce the Digitone, what are the new abbreviations? DT will be ambiguous.

Maybe it will be pronounced Digi 1?

Or maybe DT is a range of small form factor : DigiTakt (Drum Sampler) DigiTone (Digital Tone) DigiTail (Freeze Echo Reverb) DigiTool (Mixer + fx) DigiTame (Compressor)



I wonder if Digitone will have a song mode.

I doubt it. I think Digitakt could be a platform for a variety of devices sharing the exact same sequencer features both hardware and software wise with a few different labels on the buttons and differences mainly in the sound engine. Looking at what you can do with single cycle waveforms on the DT, it probably would be quite easy to hardwire some of this stuff, give it a reasonable set of parameters and voilà, Bob’s your uncle. A bit like the latest Electribes.

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Someone suggested that DigiTone could be rephrased as DigitOne- in which case I’m in love with the abbr. D1


And it’s was actually supposed to be DigitAcht or D8