Trigger LFOs with transport play?

It has always puzzled me why I do not seem to find an option for the LFOs which gets them triggered with the same phase point at the press of the play button? It is either the free mode, which seems to be completely free and if you are working on a pattern which sounds cool it is very hard to get it back because when you restart play the phase point of the LFO will be completely arbitrary. This is not bad sometimes, when you are looking for a bit of unpredictability, but if you have this modulation on a key element of your sound that you want to have fixed, then it is completely useless.
The other option of course is, the Trigged one, but that restarts the LFO with each step and that is also cool, but it does not achieve the effects of the above.
Am I missing something?

i think you can disable lfo trigging for the subsequent trigs(after the first), but it will still retrig at the one you leave enabled, a trig mode like you suggest would be a nice addition imho

there is also the possibility to sync an lfo (which is in free mode) to a trig on the note page.

Man - this you can achieve with this instruments easily !I’ts one of my favorite options.
You just have to lock the LFO in trg - mode on one step and lt it run free on all the other steps !!! So it will start at the same fase - cicles wil be identical - and you can adject more patterns in a chain ( let all LFO’s run free in the following patterns ) Now the cicle ( phase ) will restart only in the pattern with the
the locked LFOl . So you can make immens long repetetive sicles witch are identicle every sicle … that’s only the beginning ha.;ha…
Enjoy !

Hey, thanks for the replies. At least I can see I am not being ignorant of something obvious.
All interesting workarounds you have suggested, I will attempt them when I get some free time.
If Elektron folk are reading this, maybe it would be something to consider for a future OS update.

This is no Work-around man :slight_smile: . At the push of the play -button? yes when
the LFO is locked (retrig ) at the step where the pattern starts when you pûsh play .
But if u stop a pattern in the middle and restart it right there - so no.
I don’t know of any synth who can do this .( or you could make a quick adjust in the LFO page before pushing play )
I think the électrons are the only who have the option i mentioned. but i’m not shure.

I too wish the LFO would would sync to the play start. I often use an LFO to “cheat” the length of a track by modulating the root note of a sequence to extend the length of a sequence (4 bars at one note, 4 bars at another, but still at 64 len at x1 scale). To do this correctly I need to place a trig on the first step to sync the LFO, then remember to turn the trig off so that the LFO keeps running correctly.

Is this something that can be done with parameter locks and slides? I just got my A4 on Friday so I’m nowhere near putting it through all its paces yet but it seems like you’d be able to mimic an LFO this way, with the phase as you’d like it.

Yes, you can p-lock it. The problem then becomes that if you want the LFO’s cycle to be longer than the pattern length, you must remove the p-lock before the pattern repeats otherwise it will always get reset at the p-lock

Ah, yeah I can see that being a problem. Also, is parameter slide an all-or-nothing affair? Can you slide one filter’s cutoff but not the other for example?

(e: I suppose you could just plock the other parameter to the same value in the next step…)

All or Nothing man ! OR make it so that the parameter witch shouldn’t slide is at the same value for both steps. ( than you don’t have to lock it ).