So where are we now? Best drum machine to compliment AK/A4 for live - your experiences?

What about an MPC. I don’t know if they receive program changes that change a sequence, but you can have all our sequences up on one screen (NEXT SEQ). It’s not as detailed as an Elektron, but it’s pretty performance oriented.

An Mpc 1000 would be master imho.
How Elektrons are more detailed for you ?
Sold mine.


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Say whaaat?! I’m gonna have to investigate this! How is this done? I thought the MD only had inputs for sound and a bunch of outputs. If you can CV control the MD with A4 can that be applied to a midi engine and in turn I can have conditional trig on say the OT?


You’re a champ, sir! Thank you so much!

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Did you get the pads for your nord drum 2?

LFOs, P-Locks, etc

You can’t from the input but you can route audio using Overbridge to the filter and fx.

I would also have to say the OT makes a fine drum machine. It’s missing lfo’s on individuaL p-locks but of course there are ways to get around this. The RYTM has conditional trigs, which makes it really useful. But the thing that really makes the OT shine as a drum machine is the arranger.


What do you mean? You can plock lfo values…and randomize plock sounds behaviour.
Rytm has less lfos.

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WTF argh…yes you are right. I was trying this on a flex track and for some reason I couldn’t plock the lfo. No idea why not. Now I just started a new project and can plock all the lfos I want! Great. I wonder if I couldn’t plock the lfo because I was loading different samples into the same pattern? (Edit…o.k must have been in the set up page and tried from there :smile: -))
Just in case anyone who is reading this doesn’t know what this means - well you can have something like a snare drum with an lfo modulating repeats on one trigger so you get repeats and can randomize the repeats and so on. Or you could add a delay to a snare hit and modulate the delay on that hit without effecting any other hits on the same track. This acts like the conditional trigs on the RYTM.

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You cannot plock in Lfo setup page, but in main page, you can. :wink:
Happy lfo locks !

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I knew about the option to trigger the MD from drum pad triggers but it never clicked for me that you could CV trigger this. This might actually be a work around for some of my performance woes since now I could integrate the CV track on my AK to use conditional trigs and fills to effect a few MD tracks.

Side note since a lot of tips are being thrown around here. A little known feature in the AK/A4 is that you can turn any of the synth tracks or the FX track into another CV track.

Pretty convenient to get your external input through A4 filters on track X when the sound is CV triggered by this very track : so easy to set up, the ext source is really treated transparently as an oscillator…


CTRL-AL machine + A4 fill button.


The Tempest is cool but the kicks it produces always sound a bit too fluffy

I concur.

MD is a beast in song mode and fun/easy to tweak live.


i loved my er1 for similar reasons
korg completely fcked up with drum synthesis on the EMX
i hated those samples and the synth engine didnt capture the er magic imo
the best 3 voice drum machine made, i always used 2 voices for snares.

you mean the kicks you got or heard, not mine
that said the A4 can well hold its own and I often use 1 from each