Promo video for Moog DFAM

No. Be quiet if you’re “not into it.” Totally different.

I have every right to discuss things I’m not into. You like echo chambers, that’s your issue.

That doesn’t make any bit of sense.

If you’re not into it, you have no position. You obviously take a position. Therefore must be into it and I’m engaging you.

I absolutely am not which is why I’m not replying to anyone except the person who disagrees with me.

Lads, I think at this point its getting petty, you both have valid view points, stop the back and forth

— Peter beat me to it —

The synth called Drum From Another Mother.
Women, basically half of the population, are clearly under-represented in the music world, and especially in electronic music.
I think that taking position for equality is a nice move, and should be saluted.

I just don’t get it why you guys go nit-picking about this.
I would sooooo love this Community to be more open-minded, self-conscious, connected… And united on such simple topics.

And please, please avoid flame wars. It’s just plain sterile.
You can state your position, of course. But asking people to grow up or just talking to each other like everyone doesn’t exist is just disrespectful.


Probably because society has divided the world into what men and women can and cannot do. This is why it’s important to showcase anyone doing anything.


I’m not into “good people on both sides” politics :wink:

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I think honestly the biggest reason women aren’t doing this right now is because they don’t really want to, but some do and they continue to. Musics been a male dominated game for a long time but at this point it’s so heavily male dominated that women are welcomed with open arms. when a rare one does show up it leads to heated debates. If you want women to feel equal just let them be. For example, like Morgan freeman said, “the best way to stop racism is to stop talking about it”. It’s the same for sexism, and inequality. Would you feel comfortable being involved as a woman if everytime one comes up this happens? Pair this with the sheer number of false supporters who come in being white knights anytime a woman posts literally anything, they stop bothering. I don’t blame them


dubious i think. if the male deciding whether she “gets a second look” finds said woman to be sexually available and desirable she definitely will. Otherwise if her music is about on par with other guys to the male “doing the looking” that person (club booker, label exec, agent, whatever) is likely to push his bros. Source: 20 years in the music industry

true, I was kind of focusing more on internet posters. But still I really think that’s more about what sells than the fact that she’s a woman. Money talks in the real world. I reckon in an attractive woman vs attractive man scenario with music that’s on par, the woman gets the advantage. Debatable though

I don’t know the context of this quote so I’ll address the context you framed it in.

Racism and sexism exist only in the minds of racists and sexists. It would be amazing if they stopped talking about it, framing their worldview and actions around it, but obviously that is not happening. Therefore it’s up to all of us who support equality to “talk” back to it. I don’t want to talk about it but sometimes people who do talk about it compel me to.

**** no, which is why safe spaces and all-sex / black / size / able / queer anything is so important. They don’t have to worry about that nonsense.


Shoo, wasn’t it about a year ago that @CarlMikaelBjork’s post garnered so many responses that proved why this forum is so unwelcoming to a more diverse group of users? I guess it’s an annual showcase?


You can’t say that with any amount of certainty. Though what is true is that the scene being, in your words, “male-dominated”, doesn’t make it comfortable for those who do and maybe deters them from otherwise “going for it”.

Why would a music forum want to function as a spot to talk about almost exclusively music?

I have no earthly idea

Perhaps we should remove the icons on our profiles that signify our race/sexual preferences/and gender so that people can just appear as people.

-Hey! Wait a minute-!


Well when it’s only comfortable for a considerably small size of the population, it’s good to look in the mirror once in awhile.

The context of the quote is Morgan freeman talking about black history month being ridiculous. I think we need to move forwards as a species but this forced equality and safe space stuff is not the way, forced equality is not true equality. For example, me and all my friends are equal, because I view them as such. Not because one is black, one is gay, one is in a wheelchair and one is a woman and we all pretend no one is different and avoid discussing the fact. I just feel like it’s a better time in history than ever before, people are being more conscious and inclusive of others, the internet allows anyone to learn and showcase what they’re doing. People are stopping raising their kids with preset restraints based on sex. Gender fluidity is more accepted. But we’re reaching a point where we’re freezing ourselves from moving forward towards true equality for fear of offending those who are different. That’s why I don’t like the idea that everywhere should be “safe”

Fascinating, a lamasexual entity! We must capture this specimen at all costs. Where’s my tranquilizer dart gun? :man_scientist: :woman_scientist: :man_scientist: :woman_scientist: :elf:


Isn’t that the very definition of equality? That it’s safe anywhere to be you. would you rather everywhere be unsafe? What about the music scene? What about this board? You see this board as a paradigm of inclusivity and sensitivity?

It demands force as the world is doing it’s best to stop it.

Holy dog, I do not agree with this. The most powerful country in the world elected for it’s President a self-confessed sex abuser; in Europe, the far-right is again advancing by scapegoating immigrants; in Brazil, homosexuality is legally a disease; do I have to even begin discussing civil rights in Africa the Middle East or China?


I think you would be absolutely gobsmacked if you went back 100 years


Progression does not equal resolution.

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