Promo video for Moog DFAM

You’re taking my saviors name in vain. You’re not being inclusive for Christians- which, to you, is an affront to equality


What about bathypelagic cephalopods? Don’t they deserve a chance too?

I certainly wouldn’t say it’s unsafe to be here for anyone

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Ppfffttt. I knew someone was going to write that. Fine I’ll change it for those who might be serious. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well. Maybe not “unsafe”, but some of the jokes I’ve seen and certainly this convo and other similar threads would make it “uncomfortable”.


Please, please google “why representation is important” and read up on the matter.


The world is not all fluff and roses and I certainly don’t expect it to shape itself around me. There’s a huge difference between “safe” and “perfectly comfortable at all times”. So long as everyone is literally safe and free to do as they please I don’t think we all need to spend the rest of eternity walking on eggshells, I agree up to that point



I honestly am not sure if you’re responding to me or someone else, but if you could clarify your point I’d appreciate it. As it stands you may have misunderstood my point (if you’re even responding to me). I’m not suggesting this shouldn’t be a forum for music discussion, I’m saying it could stand to be more welcoming to a more diverse range of users who are interested in music discussion. Sorry if that was unclear.

The point is: a lot of people are very far from that place.

They’re being sarcastic.

And you’re really helping that by arguing on elektronauts about moog using a woman in their advert?

I personally did not say a thing until someone said something against it and everything went to hell.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt since sarcasm is pretty unproductive online. So I hope Ryan will clarify.

How can you tell who’s a man on this forum? most people use nebulous pseudonyms and don’t include pictures of themselves- so you don’t KNOW Elektronauts isn’t inclusive. Perhaps we’re 90% women and we just don’t want to talk about identity politics.

Who a person IS isn’t the slightest importance, but what they DO

This is definitely not helping. Do you want to get into this for real? Is that your sincere stance or are you taking a light piss?

Bring it

Hm, I wish you had answered my question.

To respond to your question, for the most part it’s pretty obvious from threads like this who the men are. The thread I referenced exemplified why this forum isn’t inclusive given it drove several women away / confirmed why they don’t post. This thread is pretty reminiscent, which is why I brought it up.

As to your ‘who a person is doesn’t matter, but what they do’ statement: I hope we eventually can get to that point, because in a perfect world, I think that’s a beautiful sentiment.

Did you just assume my gender

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Oh, and, I will politely bow out now, since, to some people’s points above, it’s pretty futile and I’d rather continue spending my ‘snow’ day making ramen broth and snuggling my dog and eventually preparing for a show next week. I’m only so much of a masochist with online ‘discussion’. :slight_smile:


UUgggghhh. Fine.

Society has made it that what they are bears weight on what they do. It’s up to everybody to speak to that when they see it

True, there’s been no census taken. But I have a pretty good idea of what this board is about due to this convo and others.