Pickup Machine Issue (foot controller = no sound)

So I have another question for those of you looking for good karma. This is pretty odd. Basically, on some tracks where I have pickup machines, if I use my foot controller to start and stop dubbing (mapped to INAB and INCD) I can see the track icons change to + but no sound is recorded.

However if I use the INAB button to start dubbing I see the icon change to + AND it successfully records sound.

I was able to reproduce this, and have a long and boring video uploading to prove that I am not crazyā€¦ I hope.

I hope Iā€™m making myself clearā€¦ what is funny is that the controller works (by work I mean causes the octatrack track to change to + AND the sound is recorded) for some tracks and not for others. The controllers channel is set to the automaped channel (11), and causes all tracks when set as the active track to respond (at least to change the icon to +)

It isnā€™t an audio routing thing because when I push the INAB on the octatrack it always will work.

Video coming soonā€¦

If you can provide details of the actual commands being sent by behringer iā€™ll try to replicate. Donā€™t tell me what you think the behringer is doing, use a midi monitor or daw to see exactly what is output upon a button press
Also try this with just one master pickup machine too, to get away from the possibly related issue of badly presented status re slave/master, to see if it helps
Test using an explicit channel too, to see if it changes anything, ie use 7 aot 11,just for completeness

Hey, bringing this back from the dead. I really would like this to work.
I duplicated this again,this time using lemur on iPad via iconnectivity 4.

Channel 9, the auto channel. Sends note 61 inab with the ā€œeasy recordā€ (something like that) selected in preferences. This starts recording but without sound. If I push inab on the OT no problems.

Something I just consideredā€¦ What is the expected behavior when easy record is on while using a foot controller? I assumed inab since thatā€™s what to press on OT. Buuuuut the sound is coming in cdā€¦ā€™

Iā€™ll have to try this in the morningā€¦

A:B and C:D buttons do not relate to the inputs with pickup machines, they relate to the functionality, MIDI note 61 acts as the A:B button and 64 acts as the C:D button does, refer to One2 diagram in manual for pickup machines and look closely at your inputs in the recording setup menus. Never explored ā€œeasy recordā€, or whatever, so no idea how that may influence anything)

Assuming MIDI is coming through correctly (i donā€™t think Note offs are needed) then it sounds odd that the button behaviour does something different ā€¦ use a monitor object in Lemur to see what commands itā€™s actually putting out

Edit: A:B button behaviour ā€˜replicationā€™ is more nuanced, see below

Also, are you actually setting MIDI channel 9 on the lemur, it should be specified as 0x08 in Hex ā€¦ i.e. MiDI Channels are 0>15

Thank you Avantronica for your help. In the end, this is yet another case of operator errorā€¦

The ā€œeasy recordā€ is actually called ā€˜quick recordā€™, accessible in the personal settings menu BTW. When you have that turned on, the recAB button starts the pickup machine (on the active track) recording and recCD starts and stops playback of that pickup machine.

But it seems when using an external controller you need to use the actual input. Since I was recording from CD, I needed to map the foot controller to note 62 to record from that source.

Fun fun.


ah, indeed, there are differing input selects for Pickup Machines after all, so, 61 does not map to A:B 60 does, as A:B provides a combo record option, so to replicate A:B pressing behaviour I guess go with 60 and 64 to mimic C:D, either way, itā€™s all laid out in the back of the manual, having the ability to cherry pick the inputs is quite handy, thanks for bringing this nuance out :thup: