Low hanging fruit enhancements

AR = fine sample start, tempo saved to kit
A4 = lfo mod destination page, stop auto closing (closes after 3-4 seconds, very annoying during experimentation)
OT = offline resample/individual track export

All units = easy way to organize songs/kits/patterns across projects

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We simply count to 3 instead of 2 or 4.


I’d also love to see a function to lock to one page at a time - if I want to tweak just a certain part it can get tedious

Oh wow I had no idea.

And on every sound, no less…

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on the OT, I wish you could copy a micro-timed trig setting to another trig as well as micro-time shift the whole track. I wanted to shift an entire track last night and it was painful.

You can shift all steps with swing, selecting all trigs. Thanks @gbravetti
Delay whole track by miliseconds

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of course. but as you say in the post, it’s doesn’t match up 100%. and it’s not as precise as micro-timing. of course, you also need to then manually select the steps you want to apply it to first.

I was thinking more along the lines of how you can press function and left/right to nudge everything forward or backward. but pull up the micro-timing menu first, or something…?

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Unlikely but attractive,
DT fx parameters and rtrig timing as lfo destinations


More precise, but with a limited range. A track microtiming nudge would be welcome of course. :wink:

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I think this has also been discussed in the context of the the inclusion of additional waveforms as part of the noise generator, not really a ‘low hanging fruit’ type change. :wink:

Actually, I’d even prefer if they removed the option altogether. It’s no secret that I’ve never been a fan of the “revert back to flawed” option. Wouldn’t it be silly if the Digitakt had a little Legacy FX box you had to uncheck everytime in order to make the bit reduction and overdrive FX sound right?

Did you try on a new blank project?

Away from my Rytm but I’m almost certain on mine using older projects and the preset project loads new kits with legacy fx checked, but new blank projects load with it unchecked…


I’ll try that. Just got my RYTM MKII this week, and have been using all the empty banks and kits on the project it starts up with because there is still a lot of space left.

If the Legacy FX option is still checked on blank kits after creating a new project , I’ll just create myself a blank kit with it unchecked that I can use to copy/paste everytime I want a new blank kit.

You’re right. Just checked. No Legacy FX as default now. That’s much better.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure projects created on OS versions before the update and the presets project have it checked for continuity, but fresh projects on the later OSs have it unchecked… The presets were originally created with the legacy fx levels so I think that’s why new kits seem to use the same setting for project continuity.


What about the noise section? No idea how it is implemented other than being digital since you can bit reduce it, no scope there for waveforms? Is it a low effort (in terms of spec) sampling of noise without a route to further expansion?

You are both correct. Just wanted to make sure that we don’t end up with the oscillators are digital rumour again.


I just talk for Digitakt and Digitone, I don’t know the other machines, but [func] + [trig] is basically enabling a trigless trig, which is a powerful and important feature. So u no touch ! Haha :wink:

I really do not understand the disparity between ins on digitone and digitakt.

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They don’t have the same processing power, the DN seems to have more, meanwhile the DT has to deal with sample storage and a playback sound engine. That’s what i understood.

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