Elektronauts Forum Censorship

I don’t work for elektron so I don’t really care if you buy their products or not. Only you can know whats best for you and your wallet.

But, I don’t care if you care or not! Good to find some common ground! :grinning:

Ahh, the sweet irony of hidden post in an anti-censorship thread.

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the irony is that all the deleted posts are deleted by the community - not the ‘censoring’ moderators


The flaggers are probably conspiring with the mods :rofl:



aww man - big ups to all the mods on such a rainy day!

may the dust settle soon


Elektronauts is super heavily moderated, I thought it was over moderation at first but the more time I spend here I realise it’s probably necessary. I think the mods do a pretty stand up job. I’m more frustrated when they shut down threads just as they’re getting fun rather than the millionth overbridge thread but they do a good job of catching bullshit pettiness that’s no fun for anyone. It keeps the forum grown up and that’s what separates it from places like reddit and gearslutz. Sometimes it makes it feel too “good day gentlemen🧐” for me but it’s way better than constant shitstorm

Basically don’t be a dick, keep it on topic and don’t talk about drugs and porn and you’ll usually have a good time. Expect rules to be tighter in controversial threads like OB delays and such for the greater good


sorry, I missed that. I find it offensive though, being called a troll. That feels like name-calling.

To my knowledge, no posts were hidden or deleted because they were critical of Elektron’s practices.

The topic was temporarily closed (as stated by a moderator) because there was a flurry of posts that had descended to the level of personal insults and no moderator was on hand to check posts against the forum guidelines. When a moderator was available again, the topic was re-opened as promised.

Some posts were hidden or deleted because they breached the forum guidelines for civility. I wrote to the people who breached the guidelines to remind them of what we ask (civility, staying on-topic, flagging posts that breach the guidelines).

If you are interested in the role of the moderators, please take time to read again the guidelines against which we are moderating:


I’ve only seen moderators censor (or “unlist” and “close”) hate speech: personal attacks, borderline trans/homophobia and outright sexism / misogyny. While to be sure a controversial measure, one I personally agree with.

While I can’t be sure the (repeat) offenders were ever spoken to about their behavior (I’ve seen others banned for less), and I feel the “guidelines” ought to be more specific about what is deemed “appropriate”…

I think all 4 of them do a very very good job considering some of the personalities on this board.

(and, yeah, “hidden content” aint censorship…the community thinks its inappropriate…take a hint)


lol it’d only be offensive if you felt guilty of it since I never directed it towards anyone specifically.

Your silly star wars meme comment was clearly directed at those participating in this thread.

Isn’t the title Censorship a bit exaggerated?

I don’t think putting a muzzle on a dog is hardly restriction of his freedom, it’s just making sure he won’t bite

Ai ai. Is it time for that stuff again?

Reminds me of my elektron-users mod time (username divi). Some people got obsessed with disclosing the mod team as conflating with Elektron to cover up that the MD would have lousy MIDI timing. To the point that people sent me fake info from fake accounts just to see if I would cover up the supposed evidence they had.

All we were doing was keep the forum nice and tidy, no actual information covered up at all, and that 's what I see happening here as well. Some people just get so frustrated that they 'll call anything that doesn’t confirm their views or impedes their cannonades conspiracy and corruption.

It’s tough being a mod sometimes.


7 posts were split to a new topic: Off topic posts

Then you either haven’t been on here long enough or you are confusing this with another forum. I’ve seen many threads being closed and posts being deleted for very different reasons than that.

But what is really the point here isn’t so much which posts get deleted, but which ones don’t even though they are just as offending.

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But I see your point. I am only speaking anecdotally, as everyone else here is too, ultimately.

I think what some are missing here is that the mods are NOT ELEKTRON EMPLOYEES! They’re volunteering for the greater good and it’s got to be a thankless task. They’re just as much in the dark as the rest of us. When posts are removed, it’s only because the mods are following Elektron’s rules and responding to posts that don’t fall within the guidelines that are flagged by users! They’re the least to blame in this situation if you think there’s blame to be placed.

A little closer observation may reveal that they’re all really good people. Also, I’m certain I’ve read posts from each at one point or another that were critical of some aspect of Elektron or their products as well. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with criticism - Elektron needs it, it’s amply clear - just figure out a way to post within the guidelines and not piss off your fellow forum members. It’s pretty simple, but this’ll always go around and again…


Were @Prints memes offensive? I thought they were light humoured and about as inoffensive as you can get. They weren’t negative, they weren’t rude, they weren’t directed at anyone in particular. Surely he was just lightening up a fairly non-constructive thread.