Elektronauts Forum Censorship

Absolutely true and exactly what I observed.

Just that this is not Elektron’s home court, it’s more like their users-support-users platform. A support that would otherwise cost them a small fortune to provide themselves.

No, change.org and facebook is for that kind of things. Posting at elektronauts is not a very visible way to inform people about things en masse.

Why does the term censorship not apply here just because people are heavily oppressed in other countries?

Illogical argument, and a bit of a straw man as no one compared this forum to, say, North Korea’s state-controlled media.

The word ‘censorship’ has a clear meaning, and modifying the contents of an internet forum to contrive its vibe is an example of censorship. The fact that worse things happen in Turkey does nothing to alter this fact.

By the logic of that argument, you could say ‘Why are the mods removing posts about music equipment they deem ‘offensive’ when there are actual neo-nazi groups in the world publishing genuinely offensive, racist literature for distrubution?’


lol everyone here is so melodramatic. That’s all I got. Have fun with this thread.


I thought classical censorship is the kind that leaves no trace? as in, all your posts and user account deleted without a trace etc…

OTOH even if this accounts as a form of censorship, would it be such a big deal? Its not like the mods owe you anything and it would be illegal for them to do what they do. Sometimes I think people are too touchy.

Trolling 101 = you talk trash, get modded, yell ”CENSURSHIPP,!111” see what I did there?

I love being able to help other musicians :slight_smile: and I love being able to ask for help.

Elektron support are excellent (in my experience) but this forum is a wonderful place to go for help and chats.

The forum moderators, I’ve found, have been fair and reasonable. I don’t see the evidence of censorship (although I guess that could just mean the censors are very good at their jobs ;-)) (lol j/k)




I got flagged. Will take it on the chin, no biggie. Still stand by how ridiculous the suggestion of suing elektron was though.

Having said that, the mods do a decent job round here. Not a fan of moderation or hiding posts in general but in this forums case, it’s all the better for it.

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(a) that doesn’t explain anything, and certainly doesn’t contradict anything I said
(b) words are not mutually exclusive. Some thing can be both ‘moderation’ if that’s how you soft-sell it, AND ‘censorship’, if you’re honest.

So go on, explain to me how removing posts from a conversation is not censoring the topic. Here’s the dictionary definition for you:

“examine (a book, film, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.”


censorship is censorship, whether it’s carried out by a state or a corporate entity. it can be secret or open censorship, it’s still by definition censorship. if it’s called “moderation” in this case doesn’t matter. nobody who carries out censorship refers to it openly as “censorship”. how dramatic it is is up to each individual. it’s certainly not a life and death issue here but it still is about significant amounts of money.

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Seriously! Like “whoa nelly!”. Then again- the release of the Digitakt brought in a bunch of people unfamiliar with the first Overbridge waiting game- so they might have actually thought it was going to be imminent

They also probably came in after Elektron’s Analog Heat anticipation and haven’t discovered Elektron’s time measurement abilities

(This will never not be funny to me)


Yeah, it’s pretty childish. Reminds me of kindergarten.

I was frustrated that the Overbridge thread was closed for like 12 hours and I expressed that with a reply. The admins contacted me after my post. After a few back and forth messages, I still don’t agree with the decision to close a very important thread for so long, but now I understand why they did it and I’m certain that they are trying very hard to make this a better place.

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I don’t know. I always browse the dedicated forum before investing in a product. I’m not buying a DT or DN and so avoiding the potential hassle of having to return it because of bugs/defects , thanks to the complaints posted here.


I habent had any peoblems yet. Overbridge is just not that big of a deal to me. It will come…Good solid software takes time unless you want windows95.

Some people just need to learn how to meditate or practice mindfulness etc so things like this dont bother them.

I remember getting stressed over equipment breaking n stupid things like OVB being delayed. So what, just fill DT with tons of patterns in the meantime so when OVB ready your good to go.

Itll all work out well in the end and you know it :wink:

Just don’t be lame. You know when you’re being lame. Stop. Go outside. The world’s way bigger than that tiny computer screen and confined bathroom stall you’re sitting in right now…


funny you find the need to keep posting on this thread after you’d peaced out

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disgusting. last thing I’d be looking at on my phone is this site while TCB

Part of me agrees with you, part of me says people work hard to save money to buy equipment that doesn’t deliver what it promised, and that as consumers they have the right to bitch about that.