Elektronauts 2.0

Links to old topics, post and user profiles should be fixed now. We would appreciate if you tell us if you find any broken links out there. Happy clicking!



and thank you so much for doing this much-needed reboot :3lektron:


Okay - this does not retrospectively redirect current googling of old cached posts then ! is this something that can be worked on ? (to connect old thread references to new)

We’re hoping that Google will re-crawl elektronauts.com as more and more request go towards the new website. If this doesn’t happen automatically within a near future we will have to try and force a re-crawl. No effort will be put in trying to manually connect old threads to new. As you mentioned, this is a matter of cache. The beauty of internet!! :wink:


These links (my bookmarks) are still broken…


Hmm. As I said in the earlier post

I’m sorry to say that at this point it would be too big of a task to redirect all 160.000 post’s urls to the new ones.

But here’s a small help with your bookmarks.

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Oh sorry, my mistake…
You were saying [quote=“elektronauts, post:153, topic:19212”]Links to old topics, […] should be fixed now[/quote]
So I understood you got some kind of redirection table…

I understand now that when you say “links to old topics”, you mean that you guys corrected the links within the posts…

I gotta be honest, a few days of using this forum and I’m almost about to call it quits (or at least stop visiting as often as I do). It takes absolutely forever to load anything, and sometimes stuff won’t load at all. I’ve tried it on my tablet, phone, work computer, and 2 home desktops. The old forum was slow, but this is making that one look like the damn Road Runner.

it’s the first day back for the Elektron staff and they’ve clearly been updating the site to smooth the transition between old and new … these big speed hit blips should be a thing of the past as we move forwards, hopefully

I hope so! I love all the help I get here, but loading times are ridonkulous.

Yes I wished we could be more precise with the occasions in time when we do maintenance work but we are doing a lot of changes at the moment. For future updates we will try and have better communication about the speed bumps or downtimes that may occur. Hope you can have it in your heart to be patient about this. For your information there will be no more maintenance work for about 2 weeks from tomorrow.

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More user feedback

The Latest page is my go-to page

Often a new or previously-contributed-to thread will have blue indicators

Other threads that have been visited are given % grey font and fresh ones are 100% (ie black)
whilst this is presented on a very white page it becomes near impossible to discern between the grey (is it 99% black or what :wink: ) and the black - particularly when both are alternated on white and light grey (is it 1% grey :wink: )

a clearer divide between visited and not threads would be welcome at this end (or at least an extra marker)

whilst this is a good monitor, i concede it is much clearer on another screen, a bright day and a bright page push the eyes towards rendering this illegible … something to consider perhaps

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With all the requests to combine the Analog Four and Analog Keys forums, I’m surprised they kept them separate.

This will happen in a near future. :pl:


I love this new forum. Great work. Thank you.


just started typing a reply on my iPad, then realized that I needed my computer to finish the post - the stuff I typed on the iPad was instantly just there, ready to continue. pretty nice :thup:


It would be cool to be able to increase the text size, as its very small on my ancient Sony Tablet and old school browser and wont let me zoom (no I wont update). :recycle:

Its all good, I sorted out my zoom problem.

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noticed that it’s not possible to edit certain (old?) posts. e.g. this one: SDS Drop for Mac - Better Sample Upload

The posts themselves are fundamentally editable, I can see (& can do if you need) that, I’m not sure what the thinking has been on locking these older posts down

i’d imagine it’s just panned out that way, but was not a planned outcome, gotta be worth asking why and if it can be rectified … unfortunately the forum administrator/migrator [elektronauts] seemed to imply upcoming absence by declaring a two week cessation to service interruptions … best ask now or it may (if I’m guessing right) take a while to shed some light on this - it may well be one of those things that’s yet to be smoothed out !

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