Elektronauts 2.0

Looks good on Firefox too now … thanks :+1:

I like it! It feels lighter, more air to it, good job!

I just thinking with that design, a NIGHT Mode to swith Elektronauts 2.0 in Day mode / Night mode will be a request for night people… anyway very nice enhancement on every points

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I’d like a theme toggle, not a fan of the all white look, hurts my eyes, I’m old.

Can we have a black theme please?

Here’s NeoGAF for example, user can toggle between between black and white as suits.

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:scream::tophat::slot_machine: :grin:

For a quick and dirty workaround (if you use a mac, dunno about pc), using a keyboard shortcut to invert colours does the trick.

+1 for a switch Day/Night theme
or take exemple on the mac app which is called (but i think a simple switch between night/day do the trick) :

Thanks for that, but I’ll leave it as a feature request.

Couple of lines of CSS :wink:

finally Elektronauts Overbridge enabled ^^

The new forum software is a billion times better than the old: faster, more responsive, hopefully spam-free, better for mobile users, better for bookmarking individual posts.

However, I’m already missing the old software’s ability to quote selected parts of posts when replying to them. It’s now easier to respond quickly, but more difficult to respond to questions more specifically.

As @cuckoomusic pointed out, it’s more social-oriented, but I’m an old and old-fashioned introvert.

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Do you mean like this:

And like this?[quote=“PeterHanes, post:132, topic:19212”]
As @cuckoomusic pointed out
You just mark a portion of the text, while you’re writing, and click the Quote pop up. Great stuff :slight_smile:


Exactly like that! Thanks.

Clearly I am not best equipped for the future. :zonked:

…and I’ll temporarily ignore new forum etiquette to quote and plus one this

’ + 1 ’

glad that the bold issue was solved, but for me, some of the grey% is just too low too - it creates a blinding whiteout which is hard to delineate (not sure why so much of the header above the logo is blank either to echo another comment) - it’s also a lot more tricky to spot peeps from the smaller profile pic set against the whiteout, which is in part why I’ve gone monochrome for a bit

Nice job Elektron, this forum is great, works well on my Macbook (Chrome 51), Android phone (Chrome ??) and iPad (Chrome ??)

Vast improvement over 1.0, really nicely done.

Yeah man… what would Spider do when he see the new design? Maybe pointing with a so called bowel-disruptor at the elektron-crowd.

They shit and piss in their pants… because the forum looks so fine:innocent:

I must admit clearly: posting makes far more fun now and it is a pure joy for me to interact

Well I had to change my name, my old email was an old work one.
Not that I really know anyone here anyway.

The new forum is very snappy, but it’s taking a while to figure out all the new stuff. Nice change Elektrons (although I was maybe one of the few fans of the previous forum :rocket:)

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I also try to breathe and emit openness…


First time at the new forum. Have to say, I think the new forum is worse. Seems to be slower if such a thing were possible. Colour scheme is awful for trying to figure out what is what on a page (looks like a word processor)

This has probably been asked elsewhere but what happened all the old thread?
Google searching for old threads leads to missing pages ?