Digitone portamento?

yeah this really seems like something that should be in the digitone

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In general, it would be nice to have more control over the tune parameters. Not only portamento, but also just fine tune

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Those blank spaces remind me of the ghost item boxes in Super Mario World… gotta unlock them so they show up lol


Still no portamento, plockable ARP as well as recordable Ctrl-All? C’mon guys its summer! We need some upgrades! Get back to that cellar and code us some awesome stuff! :slight_smile: We know you’re working hard on overbridge but we need that stuff to happen. This is a real roadblock for some genres of music on the Digitone.


I doubt we’ll ever see a plockable ARP – this has been begged for since the release of the analog four mk1

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Apparently the arp is saved in a sound and you can then plock sounds to step and they will play the associated arp. A kinda work around for plocking the arp.

Discussed here briefly (even though the post says digitakt, they are talking digitone)

The problem with plocking arp settings in Sounds is that the Sounds feature is a complete PITA to use. To make a bunch of variations of a particular sound, then save them, then load them into the project, then apply the plocks, it’s all quite tedious and feels unnecessary.

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i need this big time

A modern 700€ digital synth without portamento is like…is like… I’m speechless.

Such a basic thing… Tzzz

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Started a new thread on 1.10 saying: You guys forgot to add portamento…

Got merged here by a moderator…

when will the digitone become a musical instrument? (we need slide)



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Any update Elektron?
It would be so cool!! :exploding_head:

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the machine is long enough now … give us a update please. dont listen to the marketing folks who say wait for its anniversary or namm or whatever… comon’ we need it now.

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SH-101: Definitely the best implementation of portamento on a synth

Our underlying system for voice allocation is quite complex and clever, but it also made portamento difficult to implement and had to be put on hold. But I hear you loud and clear and hope that we can bring you this soon. As always, can’t promise anything but it is high on our list of things to fix.

If you’re up for it, you can do slides manually with the use of an LFO though. I know it’s a tedious workaround, but at least it’s something.

I like to use a squarewave LFO on TRG mode, Speed set to 0.01 and Mult to 1 (no bpm sync) - this will make it so that the LFO is basically an offset/adder. Set destination to Pitch All.
To slide from a lower note, set fade to however long you want the slide to be, and depth to -n, or +n for slide from higher note. NOTE (heh) that Depth +1 is a semitone (iirc)

(And to do slides without triggering a note, like a 303 etc - put a trigless lock on the grid, use the Depth for whichever note you want to slide to and then lock LFO.T to On on the Trig page. (it needs to be locked even if it’s on by default, it causes the trigless to trigger the LFO)

Hope that’s at least a little bit helpful.


Here is a perfect vid I have found on youtube of how to do some slides


Would this mean slides would be more easily possible to implement on the digitakt? Nudge nudge… I want slides there also.


Slides/bends would be awesome on the DT


Any news on this? Sort of an essential function.