Digitakt OS 1.03 is here!

Tomorrow is Midsummer's eve which means rest and pickled herring for all of us at Elektron HQ. But today we bring you Digitakt OS 1.03. We've fixed a number of bugs, including the exception error when loading/deleting/moving samples, and the intermitting freezing of the unit when sending MIDI trigs. We've also updated the factory preset content, and improved the Mute functionality, alongside many other nifty changes. [Head on over to Elektron.se to read the full release notes, and download the new OS](https://www.elektron.se/support/?connection=digitakt#resources).


Just read the release notes… erm are issues with crashes when slaved to external midi clock fixed? I’m not clear?


I really hope this is the case before they go on holidays.

there is no explicit mention which I would interpret as a no. But let’s see. I am upgrading now.


(It wasn’t actually due to external sync, hence no direct mention of that)


Second that and adding a “!”

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That sounds good! Looking forward to trying, the update sounds great.

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i’ve been stuck on the start up screen for about 5 minutes after the upgrade to 1.03… I hope this is normal…?

maybe it’s doing the bootstrap upgrade?

Holy shit - they listened. This is super exciting for me at least.

Really excited to get home and play!

“Pattern mute on MIDI Track would not engage until next pattern loop, or until the second run of a
pattern when changing pattern while the sequencer is stopped.”


thanks guys :slight_smile:

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After the upgrade (5 minutes or so) it only took a few seconds to reboot for me.

i’ll keep waiting… over 10 minutes now on start up screen. It shows the Elektron symbol and an ‘A’ in the lower left corner and ‘1.03’ in the right corner.

Turn it off, wait 60s and turn it back on again.


Okay, fingers crossed!

Also click your heels together 3 times and say ‘there is no place like home’


thanks for the fixes … have a good pickled fish day…

I’m back in action! Nothing to worry about here!!


and in all the excitement i didnt notice the updated manual…

yes! That one was really annoying!