Pattern Mute bug or normal behavior with midi tracks?

Is this a bug or normal behavior: When in Pattern Mute mode, the pattern has to make a full cycle before the mutes take effect. Like a full 64 to 128 step cycle.

Kind of a buzz kill when trying to decide what to mute.

Please tell me it’s a bug

Clarify from original post this only happens with midi tracks

Hi @djadonis206

AFAIK the mutes mute the triggers, not the sound. So if you have a long sample playing, it won’t suddenly cut off if you mute it after the amp envelope has been triggered.

In order to mute long samples after they have been triggered, you’ll have go to the master page and hold function and turn the respective encoder anti-clockwise. To unmute do the same but turn the encoder clockwise. NB - this means when you unmute your track level will return to 100. Not ideal if you use the track level for adjusting the mix. You have to get into the habit of using the volume parameter on the amp page to adjust this.

Thank you. However I’m working with midi notes. Mostly sending midi to drum machines like the Rytm or TR09. Short drum hits.

If I mute a midi track in Pattern Mute mode, the pattern has to loop all the way around before the mute takes effect. The mute doesn’t happen instantly. It happens after whatever cycle I’ve defined, anywhere from 16 to 128 steps.

@Olle or @Ess is this how the machine is supposed to work?

I don’t have this problem when working with internal samples

That sounds like a bug to me. The MIDI on the DT is pretty shaky at the moment. Hopefully it will be fixed very soon.

Man, that’s a bummer on one hand. Hopefully fixable on the other. I’ll put in a ticket.


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Experienced this and wondered myself… Luckily the global mutes don’t have this behavior, so I’ve been using those for jamming. It would be cool to have this behavior as an OPTION though. I do find it useful, in a way, for bringing midi parts in.

Ticket submitted. Yea, global mutes work the way you’d expect. Pattern mute, nope.

Digitakt: Pattern Mutes (#17469)
June 14, 2017 08:56:41 PM
Hi there,

Is this a bug or normal behavior for the Digitakt?

If I mute a midi track in Pattern Mute mode, the pattern has to loop all the way around before the mute takes effect. The mute doesn’t happen instantly. It happens after whatever cycle I’ve defined, anywhere from 16 to 128 steps.



They’re looking into the issue


oh good!

hey there, I was facing the same issue. For me was solved changing from CC to NRPN in Midi Config/Param Output