Deleting empty folders with zero samples with ellipsis

Hi !!

I have different folders with ellipsis, with zero samples inside created in the past (I do not know the cause). Trying to organize my samples folder I would like to remove those folders but digitakt tells me “0 samples selected” (obvious) and the folder is not empty…

Why? maybe it is a bug?

Thank you!!

You cannot delete a directory (folder) that has samples in it. To delete a directory you first need to delete all the samples in it.

The ellipsis is actually two periods, or “dot dot”, which for Un*x like file systems means “the directory above”.

To delete an empty directory, you must have the directory itself hilighted. To do that:

  • Either select the “dot dot”, and press [YES]
  • Or press [FUNC] + [◁].
    Either way, you should now be looking at the parent directory with the directory you want to delete hilighted.
  • Now press [▷] to get the “right side menu”
  • Choose DELETE DIR.

Not t

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Sorry but it is not working message always is the same

yes, but those directories are empty? it is weird…

It is weird and a little hard to pinpoint what is happening.
Are there other folders within the folder you are trying to delete? Or do you open the folder and it’s empty except for the (…) ?

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I have different empty folders with different number of ellipsis… it is very weird!!! :slight_smile:

That doesn’t seem right, you may need to format your +drive. As guy mentioned above the ellipses are just the up a directory command on the digitakt. If you have more than one set of ellipses that is selectable in your folder the file system is experiencing an error.

Been trying to delete a folder I created. Just keeps on saying “Error no sample/sounds”
I may have messed up by hitting the “unload directory here” option prior to this by accident, but all I’m saying is I’m unable to delete this folder. It’s driving me crazy!

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Have you tried deleting it through the transfer app?

Use crunch ( the online xfer app) if you can , lots of nice extra functionality .
Search and it shall magically appear.
Done by @mzero

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I would edit the above comment but I’m on ios and it’s very annoying trying to add text at the end of the content ( it just wants to mark mzero in red and delete it)

Try empty trash
Rename folder and delete
Put a sample in it , delete it , then try deleting the folder . It might wake it up .

Back when I was reverse engineering access to the +Drive, I managed to create two different, undeletable folders. But I don’t imagine this should be doable from the UI on the unit.

If you give crunch/elk-herd a try, it might make it more clear what is going on… And if still bork’d, I might be able to help you with some debugging output.

crunch/elk-herd: runs in the Crome browser:


Anyone still on this thread? Facing the same issue, this time I am unable to delete around 20 samples. I also have another item in the trash which I’m unable to remove using the crunch/elk-herd program. Dying for some help.