Creating slice grid - seamless and LIVE

Hi Live-Slicers,

is there I way I can slice a Sample, put e.g. 16 sample trigs and create a slice grid (linear or random) SEAMLESSLY? Problem is so far:

Before I can create the slice grid (random or linear), I have to put the sample trigs, right? So for at least 1 bar (if I´m fast) the sample gets retriggered every 16th, which sounds shitty.
Because I play LIVE a lot, this is no good. Any ideas how I get rid of that shitty bar with the retriggered sample?


I keep the track muted until the trigs are in place and slices linear/random locked.

thanks for the reply, that´s what I did so far as well.
But for LIVE this means you need 2 tracks if you want to play a sample first normally and then chop it up.

Especially if you record something live and you don´t want a break between the sample and the chopping.

any workarounds? Where are the Live Slicers and Lockers?

Put them down as trigless locks at first, make start param adjustments as you wish, when you are ready, turn them into proper trigs?

Pre slice your recorder buffer ?

And this of course.

I’ve been leaving a track blank so I can use it as a wildcard and set it up however I want on the fly.
I know this wont work for everyone though.

When I want to do this I use two tracks, a flex track with a recorder buffer and a thru track. I play the incoming audio via the thru track, and sample to the recorder buffer which is silenced via XVOL (using a scene). Then I place my trigs, assign either linear or random locks, and crossfade over to a scene where the thru track is muted and the flex track unmuted (again, using XVOL)

It’s also possible to do this with a pre-sliced recorder buffer on a different part and pattern with trigs and locks already placed. But it’s somewhat less spontaneous that way.

thanks for all the Infos.
to sum up, there´s 3 possibilities:

  • preparation: pre-sliced rec buffers (dangerous because of tempo changes) or pre locked starting points (in steps, not slices to avoid tempo problems);
  • mute the track till it´s ready
  • use 2 tracks

gotta try each way out a few times in a jam, to see which one is the best, safest and most spontaneous in an improvised live situation,

Thanks to all

one of the rather useful threads on here. let us know how you get on - interested in how you’ll tackle this.

pre-sliced buffers are currently my way to deal with it, but I’m chasing my tail since quite some time to get a workflow with JUST enough preparation without restricting the sonic outcome too much. cheers!

I tried it today a little bit, and the pre-slicing works fine.
For now I´ll just pre slice all rec buffers (that I plan recording to) and set linear locks - so if I rec something, it directly plays just as normal, but all the retrigger fun/p-locking/random locking etc. can be done at once! Nice, but:

you have to reslice and re-lock the buffer every time you:

  • change the tempo
  • change the rec. length

gotta get used to this.

using 2 tracks - well, there´s only 8, so I´ll try hard to not use 2. it´s the easiest and safest way though, maybe in the end this is the plan B. I hope not.

and keeping the track muted till finished is no option - being a Piano Player, I often record something I play Live, and I can´t keep playing while doing all the slicing/locking.

Servus Andajazz!

I’m new to the octa, and as well as trying to learn hands on by trail and error Im also trying to plan a bit…. I want to play instruments live into pre sliced buffers.

I was wondering why you gave up the idea of using pre locked starting points instead of slicing, as it would give you the flexibility to change tempo?