AR Analog Rytm feature request thread

Right. I still think the Global/Pattern mute system of Digitone makes the most sense or just being able to save mutes with the pattern as an option.

I think a 1 vco machine can be very useful particularly in pad 5 6 7 8, with additional one sycle wave sample in “sub” mode

Routing metronome click only to headphones out would be nice - until today I thought that is how it works.


Unfortunatly the headphone output is hardwired to the main output. It’s not possible to route any specific sounds just to the headphone (which would have been also great for cueing some tracks before sending them to the main output)


Thanks for the reply. It’s pretty disappointing information. I often need to play synth before I start drum pattern and I don’t think that audience would be interested in metronome sound :wink: Is the same case with octatrack?

On the topic of BPM on the AR2, Elektron need to fix the encoders. It takes 30 seconds of knob twisting to be able to dial in the tempo by just a couple of BPM’s. The encoder knobs badly need updating.


Dumb question: tried pushing the encoder while rotating? On my AR i can dial from low to high in a breeze

It isn’t that. It’s nearly impossible to dial in small increments (1 or 2 BPM’s) without the BPM’s changing in big increments. I believe this was an issue with the Digitakt’s encoders as well, but was eventually addressed/fixed in a software update.

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I go to perf mode, hold a perf pad, exit perf mode, it’s locked at that level.

Request: When I go back to perf mode and press the pad, the press doesn’t change the value till the pressure matches what it was locked at.

If you’re 60% pressed and come back to it, its hard to not lose the vibe.


Noise generator from A4 ? It would make sens to have a more flexible noise generator imo.


Hey fellow coders at Elektron, please consider…

  1. A new sensible LFO mode: Start when I hit play with the start phase, and then run freely until I press stop
  2. Accessing the Plus Drive like an ordinary USB drive
  3. Preview samples just by scrolling onto them
  4. Automatically cut beginning and end of samples according to a threshold
  5. 8 additional MIDI tracks. Hey, OK, you got your wish, I ordered an additional Digitakt. I still would have liked not to buy another peace of gear. If you simply copy/paste the code, you would add such a lot of value to the Rytm you could sell it for more money

Thanks for reading, cheers


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I would love some way to visually see the L/R levels of the Ext Ins with some sort of meter someplace.


High resolution values for Amp Envelope parameters


As much as I’d love to see some sort of base/width filter for the sample playback portion to help facilitate quick & intuitive layering of samples with analog sounds, something I’d like to see even more is the ability to choose whether the sample playback portion bypasses the filter and/or VCA.

That would allow the ability to focus only the analog section to be a transient or other portion of the percussion’s impact for layering. The DSI Tempest has a feature like this.


This might be covered in the manual, but no access to a computer now, and not for a while, and search function in the pdf app i have on my phone is shit. So.

Is there any way to preview an LFO destination for longer than whatever the default is? It’s so annoying to sit and listen to what lfo destination might be good, and then the machine just decides “yes, since you’re not doing anything, I’ll decide for you”. Lots of the Elektrons does this, and its a bit of a bugger!

Anyone know how to just get rid of the preview exit time and let me decide for myself which destination to choose, regardless of the preview time I’m taking? :slight_smile:

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The rate at which the destination menu disappears is a common complaint and feature request for AR (and its stablemates) - my feature request is that the selection point that was closed down is the new temporary start point

e.g. There’s 70 parameters to choose from

You scroll to parameter 40 and audition for a brief moment and then the menu vanishes, now when you try the destination dial the selection begins back at zero instead of where you left off - this would mitigate the speed of the menu vanishing

The general feel of this UI aspect is clearly not for some, it may be fine for others, but I doubt there will be customisable timeouts, the best hacky ‘preview’ technique is to change permanently and change back - I’d settle for an extra second or so on the timeout


Ah, yeah, I was thinking that too, “at least the destination should sort of land on the one you’re currently at if it auto chooses”. It always rips me out of the flow when this happens, quite annoying!

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Dearest Elektron - PLEASE update the AR so that we can switch tracks with a single button press!

It would make programming the AR much faster and more enjoyable. And, I think it would be relatively simple to program/implement.

The more I use my AR, the more RSI I get from constantly switch tracks using the button combination.

I would happily pay for this. Heck, if you make it a MKII feature only I would order a MKII.

Couple ideas for implementing:

  1. When grid record mode is disabled, make the first 12 TRIG keys switch to the respective track.
  2. Use another button combination to enter “single button track switch mode” (as described in #1) while grid record mode is disabled, like on the OT when you hit FUNCTION + DOWN it changes the behavior of the TRIG keys when grid record mode is disabled.

All my other Elektron machines have dedicated buttons for switching tracks. I really miss this on the AR.


A quick reminder to everybody that this topic is for discussion amongst ourselves about potential feature requests.

The official method for sending a feature request to Elektron is to email: