Analog Keys instead of Moog Sub37?

Friends at the forum,

I got a Sub37. Love the sound and the workflow, and it looks great too.

But I’m a workstation kind of guy, and the benefits of an Analog Keys in terms of sequencer, effects, 4 tracks and so on, strongly appeal to me. Being an Elektron user for awhile, I know their stuff delivers top notch quality all the time.

What I’m thinking is to swap my Sub37 for an Analog Keys. Can’t afford both, neither have the coin nor the mental space. I’d pair it with my Analog Rytm, and use the Octatrack for sampling duties.

However, I’m very much in love with the Sub37 sound. While I can clearly hear from demos that the Keys and the Sub differ in character, as it should be, I was wondering if there’s anyone here who’s a Moog owner and also familiar with Analog Four or Keys, that can offer me their take on the perceived difference in sound? I’ve listened so much to demos now, I’m starting to imagining things. A fresh perspective would help. Just your unbiased, subjective and even abusive if you prefer, opinion.


There’s a massive difference in tone and “pocket” with both instruments.

The AK is like driving an Alfa Romeo. The Sub37 like driving a Jaguar.

I’d find it VERY hard to let go of the Moog, and if you do be aware that you will NOT get that base Moog sound from which to work from. The AK can not emulate it, but does, as you know, it’s own thing with aplomb.

I have to agree they are miles apart. Moog is a bass monster, while the ak excels more for darker spacey sounds imho.

I think AK-37 with a Minitaur receiving notes on the CV track will give you 99% of what you desire. It’s a wonderful match. I’ve been using moog and Waldorf pulse waveforms in Rytm for bass too, and often I like it more than A4’s bass.

Thanks guys.

I’ve pulled the trigger on this one now. after having jammed on the Keys in the store for about two hours (and educating the staff on Elektron instruments at the same time, them not being all too familiar with how the Elektron instruments work :).

The Moog goes.

The Keys sounds great on its own, though very much not Moog. I’d say they’re just different, the one not better than the other. And while I love the sound of the Moog, I find more ways to use and compose tracks with the Analog Keys.

The Minitaur is a good idea, though. I’ll consider that as a friend to the Keys as I move along.

I should add that as little gear as possible is the goal of my rig. The Rytm + One is the goal. And I’m thinking, if the Keys is my + One, I can just do a whole lot more.

You can see I’m trying to justify this separation from my dear Moog friend, like one justifies a decision that will hurt someone you care about.

Interesting you should say that, I agree they sound great - but I struggle to integrate the moog with my sounds sometimes… not sure why what is exactly![/quote]
It takes up a lot of space. It’s kind of shouting “I’M HERE!”, and the rest of the tracks just do what they can to get heard over the Moog roar.
This is actually the one mono synth I’ve owned (paraphonic is almost mono synthish) where I don’t see what polyphony would add. Chords on this thing? I don’t think so.

Please continue to bash the Sub 37 as much as possible- I really want one, but don’t want to be wanting one.

What AK has over Sub37:
Balanced outs
Separate outs
2 inputs
overbridge capability (soon)
10 performance macros
16x the patch memory
patch tagging and organization
built-in digital effects w/ automation
3 more parts timbrality
true polyphony
4 x the amount of analog filters
6 x the note sequencer/arpeggiators
micro timing
sound-per-step change
song mode/pattern chaining
dual DIN sync outs
cv/gate outs
instant sound, kit, pattern reload
zone splitting
weighs a touch over HALF the sub37

and you can sequence/trigger a Minitaur if you want “that sound”
–that’s what I plan to do eventually…

holy fuck! !!! this is such a great summary! !! !:! ! : !:! ! ! ! ! ! ! thanks for that! … I am seeing the AK (I only own A4) in a different light! …
if this is your thing, I would really like to see more of that sort of comparison! …

and actually, the other day, I thought “why not try and get a more Moogy sound?” so ran Trk1 into Trk2’s oscillator and therefore had 3 independently tunable oscillators triggering when I hit a key. It was of course, an approximation, but fat it was indeed…

I actually had the opposite experience…
I had an A4 and got rid of it to get a Sub 37.
I just got mine a couple days ago.
The sound and workflow is amazing compared to the A4.
Of course you can’t do poly, but that’s about the only down side.
I am going to get a poly synth some time in the future.
I have been using my midi OT sequencer…so far works great!

Yeah, well. So I couldn’t do it. Changed my mind in the last instant. The Moog stays.

I made a similar list like the one above. And indeed, the AK outnumbers the Moog in almost all aspects but one.

It doesn’t sound like one.

And that did it for me.

It’s a bit like that episode in Friends, where Ross makes a list of pros and cons when he’s choosing between Rachel and some random current girlfriend. The pros of the girlfriend are plenty, but there’s one thing she’s got as a con: She’s not Rachel.

So I guess the Sub37 is my Rachel.

I have a CS50 for exactly this reason.

It gets used a fraction of the time, compared to my Elektron kit, but when I play it I can’t bring myself to sell it - it sounds so pure.

You’re fucked, my friend. Because you’re going to want those Keys. You know there’s only one choice to be made here!

Have credit card?

^^^ I know this because I don’t think that I can not buy the Sub 37. And I REALLY have no room. And a CS30. I mean, hey…

You speak the truth, my friend. And while it is harsh, that is only because it is genuine.

I shall sleep on this now.

I love my AK and Rytm… and the Sub 37 is next. :slight_smile:

(unless Elektron comes out with a new Octatrack that has analog filters)

I’m thinking of selling the A4 to fund a Sub 37 purchase actually. I seriously need some funky mooginess in my life and I feel like I’ve used every permutation of A4’s sounds I can think of.

What got me thinking was that the Keys and the A4 are both very complete solutions, and you can quickly build a foundation for an entire track. The Moog, not so much, despite the fact that the sequencer is pretty damn great - and it gets better with the next update.
But while keeping the Moog is going to make my workflow and life in general more complicated, it will make my music better.

It’s tempting to see if you wanna trade and A4 for the Sub37 for just a month to get a real taste.

I love the A4 sound and all of it’s capabilities.
I have a SlimPhatty as well.
However the beauty of the Sub37 is having ALL of those parameters on deck, just seems like you engage it in a much more satisfying way.

The elektron workflow is always a mode away.
I like it, but it does feel slower, it’s like the logical brain is always weighing in on the artistic side.