Analog Four or Digitone for FM synthesis?

There must be some super expensive thing we could show you that you’ll want a lot. :thinking: :joy::joy:

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@whikidazz was selling his MnMmk2+ and MDUWII+ for 1450 total- and that almost killed me :smiley:


Yes Eventide H9000 thanks :heart_eyes:


It almost killed me to sell them. I nearly shed a tear at ups today.


Here’s to making room for better days(I compared the demos of the DN with the MnM- the DN has a vastly improved sound!!!)

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Thank you reassuring me that I made a good move with that. I really thought I messed up after they were sold but I’ve been studying the demos and I really feel both of the digi’s together with a few other external pieces will be the best workflow. I’m tossing up the idea of selling off the OT and going for the Push2 with abelton live 10. I’ve read your posts about sample chops with live so with that in air on the move. I’m really thinking about giving mother 32 and dfam a chance to be married up to DT and DN. Especially when the bugs with controlling external midi are worked out, sequencing m32 with DN and running it through the DN effects and filters. Run everything through a mixer to be able to be fed into the DT for ample sample madness.

So many options! I can’t wait. The digitone is going to be an awesome sidekick to the digitakt! With the palette of creation available in those two alone should be enough to conduct a live gig or studio production without anything else added.

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Moog Mother and Son could be a good combo, though, if I were you I’d try to figure out the most efficient workflow with your intended hybrid setup, if you’re planning on getting a push 2 you might be able to forgo the Moog DFAM and use that money to greatly expand your sound palette with some software- if you still want to make most of your music with hardware- perhaps hold onto your OT, as you can fit A LOT of samples in there as a bank and it will still offer a special angle as far as sampling goes. With the DT, DN, and OT, you’ll have up to 20 midi channels and 20 hardware channels- so you might be fine with whatever DAW you’re currently working on.

I’m still looking for a good Ableton replacement to the Octatrack- but I’m hard pressed to find such a wide range of possibilities similar to the Octatrack- it’s either pitch and sample, or pitch and slice, but nothing where you can have a sample on a track and choose slice, pitch, or sample- and that’s just a small patch of the OT.

If you choose to go Ableton+Push 2 it will take getting used to

Apologies for being off topic but that’s a very dapper horsey you’ve turned into there Ryan.


Thank you, sir!


I haven’t turned to a hybrid setup yet but I am very interested in being able to multi track each channel. Before the Digitone announcement I was dead set on digitakt, octatrack, monologue, pulse 2 and add some softsynths to a daw setup. I feel like I may stay out of the daw realm except maybe get a mixer that’ll sub to multi track.

To the original poster; if you already have the A4, why would you get rid of it to add a dedicated fm machine? Digitone looks like it would be a great addition to free up some A4 channels or run the Digitone through A4.

I sold the machinedrum to be replaced by the digitakt and sold the monomachine to be replaced by the Digitone. Having owned the digitakt already once before I know the workflow already. So I’m confident Digitone will be just the same.

Until now I’ve never been convinced there could be a replacement for the Silver boxes. Everyone who has preordered Digitone and either own or will own digitakt should be amazed at the accomplishments of Simon and crew for these amazing machines. Unless you are new to elektron, all of the digitakt haters shod reflect on all of the growing pains of everyone of elektron previous releases. They do listen to us. Just be patient, it’ll all get worked out eventually.


Maybe consider reaper or logic for multitracking, bitwig is pretty cheap and should hold you over for one year of updates. I had Ableton + Push for over a year and I didn’t learn it until I sold my stuff and absolutely HAD to. But yeah- the two tiny Elektrons, an Octatrack, and then plug the mains and cues into your tiny Elektron interfaces and then you’ve got four inputs on your OT- pretty solid setup- and then try to ease into your hybrid mindset by drawing automation for your tiny boxes through OB

That’s a great idea! I was trying to visualize how I could get the most out of those the three. Still trying to stay away from hybrid but it’s getting harder and harder to stay strong. I have an H4N, so I really am set but in case I need more then just that, iPad could be used to keep the laptop out of the picture to keep the setup even more minimal.

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All this talk of FM everywhere and some synths finishing off their borrowed time spent with me (bye-bye, MS-20… it was fun) does leave a DX-7-sized space in the studio though. Maybe this time I’ll even try programming the thing!

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It feels as if elektron suddenly invented fm. Or like the big return of fm.
For years I only only could read analog, analog, analog everywhere. So strange

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Next: Analog FM + toaster


So many people use ableton and it’s main synth was a fm synth. But i guess many used it in a subtractive manner

Damn right !
There is something funny in seeing DT as an powerful Volca Sample and DN as a Volca FM +++…
Tats nailed it with his Volca FM, for sure.
Looking forward to being able to control its guts from the Cirklon, but I still have hundreds of pages to read ^^

Back to topic, Analog four and DN really don’t play FM the same. It’s not even the same FM (A4 does true FM on osc or filter, while DN does phase modulation).
A4 is dirtier, but with analog filter and distorsion you can get some really cool sound. And pretty good drums.
DN is breathing FM from A to Z, I just can’t wait to lay my fingers on its keys.


When’s yours supposed to ship/arrive?

Not a clue.
Status is “Paid”.

I asked @Ess to bless it before he sends it. Takes time.